Is Your Team Strong?

Published by Jibri Howard — 04-06-2023 08:04:45 AM

Working solo may be beneficial in certain circumstances, but when it comes to growing a business, teamwork is key. In a team, different people bring unique experiences, insights, and perspectives that no one individual could provide alone.

 With each team member contributing to the overall strategy, decisions can be made faster and with greater confidence. When it comes to putting those decisions into practice, teams are often better able to accomplish the goals faster due to the many sets of hands involved in executing tasks.

 By bouncing ideas off of each other, team members also have the opportunity to learn and improve, thereby helping the business to expand.

 With all the collective brains at work, the probability of making better informed and strategic decisions is high, setting the business up for growth.

 Overall, teams foster an environment of collaboration, support, and communication that no individual working solo can match, making teamwork an essential element for any business hoping to succeed and grow.

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About Jibri Howard


Hello my name is Jibri Howard, founder of My vision wasn't born on a beach with million-dollar dreams. It came out from chronic homelessness in Washington D.C, from a time when even the sturdiest feet felt unsteady. But here's the thing: challenges can be the greatest teachers. It was during that period that I pushed myself to learn and grow. I learned reflexology, I became a certified IT professional, an office support specialist, a desktop technician, and even a behavioral health professional. These diverse skills fueled a vision: It's more than just a foot care resource, it's a community builder, a place where local businesses can thrive and residents can prioritize their well-being. is my way of giving back to the city that helped me find my footing. It's about creating opportunities, fostering connections, and reminding everyone that even the toughest times can lead to the most fulfilling strides. Join me on this journey! Let's put our best feet forward, together.