Leased Ad Space
If you have got PayPal and 7 Dollars you can earn some money!
Ok not fast money but a fun way of trying to get your 7 Dollars back and hopefully much much more!
How it work is quiet simple.
Step 1. You pay $1 to EACH email in the list #1 to #7 = $7 Make sure you write: "Please add me to your mailing list." for intended use of payment.
Step 2. You remove the email at position #1 and move up the other 6 emails.
Step 3. You put your PayPal Email address in position #7.
Step 4. You send that New email text to a minimum of 40 people.
Step 5. Everytime someone join's you get paid $1.
In about 30 to 40 day's you will be at position #1
If you are interested and wanting more info visit:
About Lowri Davies

Hi I am a mum of two boys, and a farmers wife. I currently work on the family farm, i’ve also got a nursing degree.