The Credit Repair Secrets You Know You Want… For FREE

Published by John Stephens — 10-17-2018 01:10:58 PM

The Credit Repair Secrets You Know You Want…

Hey There Person!

Welcome to my blog! You are probably wondering who the heck this is or, why in the crap I am literally giving away every secret I know about Credit Repair?… If its one or both of those, let me break it down for you below: (If it’s neither, I don’t know why you are still reading this dude/dudette… )

To make things short and sweet… My name is John Stephens. I’m a Real Estate Agent in Western North Carolina, married to a smokin’ hot wife and super blessed that she birthed two beautiful children for us out of her va-jay-jay.  She will kill me if she ever reads this, so don’t show her, for real, it will probably be late at night (when everyone else actually reads this crap) and I may wake up with one less member of this temple, she tells me frequently that she doesn’t “need it” anymore. Ha, little does she know, she does. OKAY, enough about me…. let’s talk about the REAL reason why you are still here reading this short and crappy post… Our Credit Repair Secrets:

Are ALL in this Free eBook I wrote btw:Download Free Credit Repair eBook

Secret #1 is not really a secret but for the sake of entertainment, I am going to call it that sooo get over it… How to properly obtain and read your Credit Reports from “The big 3” Credit Bureaus, AKA “The 3 School Yard Bullies”. You’ll see why later…

There is only one verifiable source to get your FREE Credit Reports and its As tempting as those other (not so crappy) sites are, this is the only site whos information is deemed accurate by our the United States Judicial System- in layman’s terms… do not even think about pulling your credit from those “cooler” guys and try to use these credit repair techniques. If you fail on this first step, well, I can’t help you. Its also super frustrating when people don’t follow simple freaking directions, like, I’m making this sooo simple dude. Rant over, for now.

Secret #2 -5 is coming in the next blog posts, stay tuned sucka!!

Or download the FREE Credit Repair eBook Here: Download Free eBook 

Change Your Score Within 30 Days, change your life, and you don’t have to read my crappy posts anymore!

John “Your Friend With That Credit Repair” Stephens


About John Stephens


God, Family, People, Business. I am a lucky husband, father of two and a Realtor & Entrepreneur in this great state of NC!