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A resourceful person can see opportunity when others only see obstacles ~ Garrett Gunderson
Who is Garrett Gunderson
Garrett Gunderson is the ‘Chief Wealth Architect’ of the Wealth Factory, an organisation that promises a ‘comprehensive personal financial education and implementation program for entrepreneurs, health care professionals and small business owners. He is also a New York Times bestselling author of Killing Sacred Cows: Overcoming the Financial Myths That Are Destroying Your Prosperity.
The world has changed
The world our parents knew has changes you must have the adaptability and creativity to cope with this. Some see them as difficulties while others see them as opportunities.
Lack of time? Good!
Resourcefulness often thrives when faced with a lack of something. When faced with a lack of money, a lack of time or a lack of resources, the Resourceful find ways to stretch what little they do have. This is presumably where the adage ‘if you want something done quickly, give it to a busy person’ comes from. Having plenty of time reduces urgency and, somewhat paradoxically, encourages time wastage. Little time can force focus and efficiency.
What is needed today
Today we seem to lack good jobs, career stability and financial independence. When even the most qualified can struggle to get the most basic of jobs. A resourceful attitude Today is required to prosper.
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