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Actually, belief has nothing to do with it because the Law of Attraction exists just as surely as does the Law of Gravity. The trick is to understand what it is and how it works so that you can then change your focus to make it work for you not against you.
Law of Attraction is why many people get one misfortune after another. Something goes wrong or something bad happens, so you think about it, dwell on it,wonder why it happened , blame someone for it, fester about it. And while you are feeling all those negative emotions you are simply attracting more of the same.
Conversely some people seem to have nothing but good luck. Everything they do turns outright. Because they are happy, they expect the things they do to turnout well , because they have those expectations things do go well.Then unexpected good things turn up as well.
Now, no one gets it right all of the time, and most people aren't negative all the time.So each of us has a mix of good and bad. We need this as without the “contrast”, the experience of the unwanted as well as the wanted, how would we know what we do want?
You cannot truly experience joy if you have not at some time experienced pain.
Decide what you want.Imagine how life would be if you already had it. Experience the feelings of having the desired thing. Focus on all the good things about having the thing you want. Focus on it already being here. Do not worry about things that might go wrong. If something does notwork out the way you expect then it may be something better, or you will find another way.
For more about this follow my Facebook Page : Kathy Nics and my Blog
About Kathy Nicholson
I have been in sales for many years, starting with Tupperware Parties when my children were young. I learned from the best. I have also been in several MLM network marketing businesses. My interests are to do with health and well being, natural remedies and energy. I am a Reiki Master. I am also a passionate horsewoman. I believe that we get what we focus on so I try all sorts of things with an open mind , expecting the best. I am now an internet marketer and blogger earning money to supplement my pension.