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Keith Dessert
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Location - California
Join Date - 2018-10-25
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About Me
I discovered that I had a passion playing around with the Internet and figured out how to pick up some extra cash to make life more enjoyable. Once you learn how to apply a few simple skills and get others to work with you, that will stay with you for the rest of your life.
I try to help as many friends as I can (that will listen),
and learn to do the same things I did (and still do every day). Believe me, none of this is brain surgery if you are willing to try. I learned most of what I know just by using Google and YouTube as my teacher, so I don't mind giving it away for free. All it takes is time and patience to grow as you go. I didn't want to spend the small amount that I live on each month, so I made a promise from day one was to only use money I made online, then expand on that.
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Title | Publication Date |
Network Marketing Strategies | 10-28-2018 03:10:36 AM |