Published by Karen Fleury — 12-29-2016 12:12:52 PM

Do You Have Optimal Health

What is holding you back from achieving your optimal health?  Do you know? After tuning into the first of a 3 part series “Advanced Detox Strategies to Kickstart Your Health, Immunity & Weight Loss” from Donna Gates, M.Ed., ABAAHP, an international best-selling author of The Body Ecology Diet: Recovering Your Health and Rebuilding Your Immunity.  There are three key factors that could be holding you back from attaining optimal health.

First step to changing your health for good is knowledge!

Three Culprits Holding You Back From Optimal Health:

  • Addiction to:

    Mostly it is the way we eat that holds our health hostage.  However the addiction to sugars, poor quality salts, bad oils and stress in our life are all culprits too.Do You Have Optimal Health

  • Misinformation

    It can be confusing with so much conflicting information available to us.  Wrong information about diets and exercise, what to eat and when to eat it.
    Do You Have Optimal Health

  • Limiting Beliefs

    Subconsciously you don’t believe you can do it.  You believe that getting older means your body starts to wear down, you believe you are going to be overweight because your mother or father was.  Accept who you are now in order to change.Do You Have Optimal Health

Dieting is not the answer.  Stop wasting your time on fad diets and supplements.

Do you believe your health could be better if you focused on improving these areas of your life?

Was the information helpful?  I would greatly appreciate if you comment below and share on Facebook.

Karen Fleury - Clean Eating With Benefits

Karen Fleury’s – Clean Eating With Benefits
Skype:   k.fleury73

“Providing information on clean eating and living a healthier lifestyle!”

PS:  Take my Clean Eating Challenge.  Rediscover what healthy feels like again!

About Karen Fleury


My name is Karen Fleury. I started my online business in 2014 I am not someone who jumps into anything. I asked loads of questions about the products, ingredients, compensation plan. I researched MLM (Multi-level Marketing) and the DSA (Direct Sellers Association). I searched for validation that MLM was a solid business. I found great books which assisted me in making my decision and are helping me become a Network Marketing Professional: ‘Four Year Career’ by Richard Bliss Brook - ‘Go Pro’ by Eric Worre - ‘The Flip Flop CEO’ by Janine Finney, Lory Muirhead - So.... why did I choose my business? A few reasons: 1. After attending a breast reconstruction seminar in Ottawa with my sister and hearing one of the doctors speak about nutrition; I have had a passion ever since to help people eat cleaner and live a healthier lifestyle. 2. With the news of my sister having cancer, it was time to take a closer look at not only what food we put in us, but also what products we put on us everyday. 3. To gain financial freedom. To be able to retire from my day job and not have to work until I'm 65. 4. To inspire other's that there is more to life than working a 9 - 5 job! Cheers, Karen