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LAS Blogs: Kevin Longley
About Kevin Longley

Hello My friends, My name is Kevin Longley. I am married to a beautiful lady and together we have a beautiful daughter. We live and work in the Bahamas. I was schooled both in the Bahamas and in the USA and afterwards returned home. My daughter of 22 years of age is presently off in school furthering her education. I am presently employed in the Telecommunications field in the Bahamas for almost 30 years where I am about retire very soon. When that time comes , I have no intentions of working for anyone else in my life. I will be my own employer. I will control my destiny moving forward. I got involved in the Online Industry in 2013 and since that time I met a few great mentors that have encourage me to step out of my comfort zone and do what is necessary to brand myself and to build confidence. Presently I am involved in a few online business which work together and LeasedAdSpace is one of them that building my business empire today. Much Success To All.
The Only Real Traffic Experts
Published on 03-25-2017 01:03:46 PM by Kevin Longley
Who are the only people you can trust when it comes to generating quality, converting traffic for your business?
In fact, who are the only people you can trust about ANY subject?
1. It’s not gurus.
2. It’s not eBooks and training videos from experts
3. It’s
Boost your income with one simple writing trick
Published on 03-24-2017 11:03:39 PM by Kevin Longley
There’s a truth in all good writing, and if you accept it and live by it you could earn yourself a fortune from your own computer.
Want to know what it is?
Keep reading.
I recently had lunch with an old friend of
... (continue reading →)