Leased Ad Space
Hello Ed Romero here;
Here are the seven ways I collect new emails and make sales without paying for clicks or paying for traffic.
When I first began my online business journey, I was lost with so much information out there. I bought clicks and traffic and have an email list, but its full of "looky lous, and tire kickers". These folks just jam up your email list and never respond or buy anything from you. The first thing I did was to add value to my offers. The second thing I did was to email the people who signed up for my offer. The third thing was to promote my offer. Then I made YouTube videos. I also started using multiple traffic exchanges, don't think for a minute they are a waste of time. Then I was connecting with new people daily through a laser targeted list. The seventh way is to do blog posts.
How to add value
You have to give something away for free. This could be a number of things, but I have found something that works so well, that I have been using it for several years now, and it still works. It's called The Free Lead System. You can actually promote your primary business and The Free Lead System at the same time. This gives you two different income streams if your lead upgrades. This is super powerful because your lead now has a way to collect his or her own emails and build a list.
Email your list
I know I said earlier that my list has lots of tire kickers and such, but you still should email them just as you email your hard core followers. You never know that one day the looky lou may just buy from you. Email is crucial to build your list and your income goals.
Promote your offer
I don't like to use Facebook too much anymore because of all the changes they make, and the Facebook jail. I try to promote my offer in other ways, such as banners or websites on Infinity Traffic Boost, Traffic Ad Bar, Free Lead System, Mlm Gateway.
YouTube Videos
I hated making videos and you can probably tell by some of my earlier videos that I am all over the place and freaked out. You want people to see who you are and who they are buying from. You have to remember the three golden rules for success online are KNOW, LIKE, and Trust. People need that security blanket of knowing who is on the other side of the camera before they pull out the credit card. That's why I make videos ( not the best) but I am working on it.
Traffic exchanges
I used to think this was a waste of time. I would surf for hours and nothing, no hits no clicks. People were just there to build up their advertising credits and promoting their offers. When you promote your offer in a way that catches the viewers eye, then you will get that click and possible sell. Many people just use the corporate website and banner, but you have to remember that there are hundreds of thousands of affiliates out there doing the same thing. You have to add value to get that click and new lead. You also want to sign up to several exchanges to get more exposure.
Your laser targeted list
You build this list from different places like Instagram, Leased Ad Space, Facebook, Traffic exchanges, Free Lead System, Mlm Gateway, Twitter, LinkedIn. These people are actually interested in your offer. You want to always keep them in the loop.
Blog posts
You have to have a blog, it is what keeps your readers and leads interested in your offers. The more blog posts you make the better your writing gets and more targeted visitors sign up to your offers. You also start to rank higher on the search engines with newer content which also helps you get more visits.
Start with some value Free Lead System.
About Edward Romero

I'm a 52 year old single dad of 2 teens. I am a Navy Vet. I was in Operation Praying Mantis, then Operation Desert Shield, and then Operation Desert Storm. I love internet marketing because it's so damn challenging and it keeps my mind old mind occupied. My mission statement here is to help everyone learn and become better marketers through blogging and communication. Thank you very much and may happiness and success follow you always.