Leased Ad Space
Hello Ed Romero here;
Now as you may have already read in my solo ad here
I am an affiliate for a company that is taking off like a
rocket. I have actually made sales due to the training
in the private Facebook group.
There are 13 training modules in the group, you can
study them, use them, and even change them around
to your own liking, product, or service. You get free
email swipes that you can use or change up to your
liking. The best thing of all is the man behind the
scenes, he actually goes out of his way to help you
make sales and succeed. I know because he has helped
me gain 3 customers within 1 month. I haven't been able
to do that on my own...ever.
Every Friday you can do a lead swap, that's were he
takes your leads, even if you only have 100, and returns them
along with 250k + leads back to you on Monday. How do
I know this? Because he is a great mentor and helper. I have
over 600k leads now. That's 600 thousand. I know what
your thinking "okay so how do you email 600K leads? He
has that covered in the training also.
I wish all my programs had mentors like this one. He gives
you a page were you put in your affiliate id and he emails
people for you, you make the sale from his work. You can
do this. The hardest part is staying off your phone checking
to see if you have a new affiliate in your downline, which is
a sale.
You do have to be patient, this doesn't happen overnight, some
people make sales within days, it took me about 22 days for my
first one, then the next week, I had 1 each day. I love this program.
About Edward Romero

I'm a 52 year old single dad of 2 teens. I am a Navy Vet. I was in Operation Praying Mantis, then Operation Desert Shield, and then Operation Desert Storm. I love internet marketing because it's so damn challenging and it keeps my mind old mind occupied. My mission statement here is to help everyone learn and become better marketers through blogging and communication. Thank you very much and may happiness and success follow you always.