Leased Ad Space
Hello everyone Ed Romero here again with some gold nuggets for you and your business. Now most people here have joined a program that has promised you fame and fortune. The person who is on your corporate website says "Hey if I can do it, and i'm a high school drop out..blah blah blah" or "guaranteed results". My friends let me tell you a well kept secret in online marketing world. If you don't brand yourself, you will probably fail. I know that's hard to digest, but that's reality in the online world.
You CAN make your product or service work but you have to get your face out there, make videos for YouTube and Vimeo. Get on all the social media networks and introduce yourself, not your product, that will come later on. Let me ask you this, would you buy a product or service from someone you have never seen before, someone who hides behind their computer or laptop? Not me. Yes my picture is here on Leased Ad Space, and I also have videos I made here on Leased Ad Space.
Next thing and this is also critical, YOU MUST PROVIDE VALUE. How does it feel to open an email and right off the bat your hit will a sales pitch? I hate that, I wanna know who this person is, why they emailed me, what they are trying to get across , where is their picture of that person, when do they plan on contacting me again? I want them to first tell me about themselves and what kind of value they can provide to me. A free ebook, a free report, a training video(s), something that says "hey here's my value, in return I only ask for your email and the chance to communicate with you."
Okay so I know a bunch of you are thinking "well that's a lot of work, when do I get to pitch my offer"? Online marketing one of the GOLDEN RULES is help someone , OVER DELIVER VALUE, and you will see that your email list will start to grow and so will your sales.
If you get a chance, check out my Instagram page and see what branding has done for me, see how many followers I have, and it's not to brag, it's to show you, that you can be successful with your primary business but you have to BRAND YOUR COMPANY, like I talked about get on social media and get your face and your company name and logo out there, so people will begin to know you and your product or service. Just like Pepsi, Coke, Nike, Sony, see what BRANDING has done for them?
About Edward Romero

I'm a 52 year old single dad of 2 teens. I am a Navy Vet. I was in Operation Praying Mantis, then Operation Desert Shield, and then Operation Desert Storm. I love internet marketing because it's so damn challenging and it keeps my mind old mind occupied. My mission statement here is to help everyone learn and become better marketers through blogging and communication. Thank you very much and may happiness and success follow you always.