Selling for Success

Published by Orlando Lofton — 04-17-2019 09:04:39 AM

In any field of endeavor, especially selling, success requires the right mindset, the proper attitude. 

You have to visualize yourself as the success you want to be, set challenging goals, develop a rock-solid game plan for achieving those goals, and then make selling an activity that’s as natural as breathing.

As long as you believe you can be a top seller and then start acting like you are, you can’t help but become the sales success you’re destined to be.

Selling is like life itself — you’re free to define “success” in your own terms and then plot your own course to get there. 

For one salesperson, success may be measured in status, and being the top salesperson in the company would be the ultimate achievement. 

For someone else, success may mean lots of money to afford a certain lifestyle. 

Others may want more time to spend with friends and family or an early retirement. 

You may have some other goal in mind.

Your destiny is yours to define and achieve. 

Don’t let anyone else define what “happiness” should mean for you. 

Even if you were to achieve your goals, your happiness and satisfaction would always elude you, because you would be achieving someone else’s dream.

As motivational speaker Art Fettig told me, “It’s hard to be healthy, wealthy,

and happy at the same time.” 

However, striving to achieve a balanced life that leads to health, wealth, and happiness is certainly a noble pursuit.

About Orlando Lofton


One of the biggest challenges facing online marketers is generating continuous quality traffic to their site or blog. I created this blog to be a community of entrepreneurs all working towards the same thing - to have a unbiased place to be heard and seen and obtain real knowledge and skills by working as a group, also to promote good ideas and constructively critique those that fall short. I have fallen short enough times to at least have developed a few methods to bring a steady rate of traffic to my blogs and sites. Cost and quality are the most important factors and what I focused on. By testing each source independently the results rather good or bad speak for itself. My knowledge in the blog is yours as we make this a strong community and work as a group with only each others success as our motivation.