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Two quotes that are very true in online business. So many people attempt to make money from nothing online. It might of been possible years ago, things have changed. If you want the best chance of making money you need to invest some. When you advertise for free you are merely advertising to advertisers!!
Basically wasting your time. Also being lead astray and unable to focus on any one thing. It is for all these reasons that I have opted for a Matrix. Not a lot of money to invest but they work. They have the tools, history and proven income. You only need to advertise One link! Think of the money you are saving. Always use an Ad Tracker very important tool. Ad Track & Traffic
About Mark Paterson

A life with horses. Polo, teaching,hunting, showjumping and mostly racing. Lived and worked in Italy, Spain, France and U.S.A. Would like to return to Italy or Spain to work and write. Single, born in Scotland.