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LAS Blogs: Mike Exford
About Mike Exford

I am a VET (U.S.ARMY) and Disabled, With A Loving Wife 3 Kids & 4 Grand-kids and steal have time to help people on the internet. I am a coach on the LIQUID GOLD TEAM, I enjoy helping people with their on line in-delvers. Are you taking pills to get your Vitamins, Minerals & antioxidants? There is a better way... I have stopped playing the Gurus game. They told me that people are just NUMBERS if they say no move to the next one get them in and move to the next. That is not me, I like to get to know the people that I am talking to and make sure they understand what they are getting into. Also help them get the pages they need to be Successful. The only way that people can become Successful is to treat the opportunity as a Business and I can help. If you have 4 hours a week you can run a Business...BUT You must treat it as a Business and be CONSISTENT. If I had to start over I would have started with an Autoresponder, I lost a lot of people because I did not have a way to save E-Mail Addresses. the one I use is
Published on 09-17-2017 09:09:09 AM by Mike Exford
Most Autoresponders Charge you for the # of people you have in it So the price goes up. With TrafficWave it is the same price weather you have 5 people in it or 500,000. The price is $17.95/month. You can
... (continue reading →)Being Healthy in these Days.
Published on 04-26-2017 11:04:51 AM by Mike Exford
I think that everyone knows that the food we eat does not have all the Vitamins & Minerals that we need to keep us fit. I now take a Liquid that has all the VITAMINS & MINERALS with
... (continue reading →)