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The Bad, The Good And The Ugly About Speedfeeder
Published by Xavier Rivera — 03-13-2017 06:03:31 PM
First and foremost please know that at the time of writing and posting this blog post that I'm not affiliated with Speedfeeder in any way and that my Speedfeeder Review is my unbiased opinion of it and should be ultimately researched further before deciding to participate in Speedfeeder.
When I look to join an opportunity of any kind I tend to want to find a reason that really makes me want to join. This adds to my certainty that the opportunity itself can in fact lure people to take action upon learning more about such opportunities. Speedfeeder being no different.
The Bad about Speedfeeder
At first glance I must say the site leaves me NOT wanting to learn more. Their site seems low budget and not likely to be something to be taken seriously. The graphics are weak at best, which means much more work for those marketers wanting to succeed with it. Now as you may know by the mere name of it, this is meant to serve you for one main reason and that's to build a list and potentially bring people into Profit quickly thanks to their 2x2 matrix. Now the thing that both bothers me and that I kind of like is the cost to join is a one time $100. This is neither a low cost to attract tire kicking marketers, however it's an amount that once spent can easily be forgotten about if results aren't quickly experienced.
The Good About Speedfeeder
Now it's not all bad, Speedfeeder founder was a successful person in Empower Network and therefore brings his experience to the table here, despite the awful looking site and what might very well seem like yet another shiny new biz opp to simply serve to build early members lists so they can simply market their own primary opportunities to you and I. Speedfeeder does focus on two getting two which seems to be a good business model while adding the element of two additional buy ins per full cycle. Now if you've yet to see how their comp plan works then this may seem confusing to you, however if you have, then you can see how the one time $100 out of pocket can grow exponentially as everyone brings in their two members. Of course members do look to further exploit the comp plan by showing how much faster you can excelerate your earnings with Speedfeeder by purchasing two to three spots. This method has been frowned upon greatly among the more reputable Direct Sales and Network Marketing Companies, yet its actually encouraged by leaders in Speedfeeder. Makes you scratch your head a bit, but for those who get it have much to gain and only $300 total out of pocket to lose. Now keep in mind, with Speedfeeder you're purchasing about 43 digital products (YAWN....) but according to some leaders this is worth over $1,600 making it not your everyday free eBook. So ultimately many may call this a crafty gifting program, yet many argue it's not cause of the digital products that you get in exchange for your one time $100. So basically what is really good here with Speedfeeder is you get digital content allegedly valued around $1,600, and the chance to earn $1950 each time you complete your three 2x2 matrices, and best of all you need not approve payments or upgrade, the system continues onwards as more and more people are introduced to this 3 month old Biz Opp through your two paid rentries and 100% matching on each personally enrolled member you hook into this opportunity for once again the one time out of pocket $100, earning you $1950 over and over again. That's indeed what's GOOD about Speedfeeder.
The Ugly About Speedfeeder
As of late I take researching a biz opp one step past just what I see on a site, or via social sites, videos, so called reviews or scam posts. I like to look at the domain history as seen here on when you submit the domain. Now what I look at is the length of time a company purchases their domain name for. This sorta tells me if this is a serious company or merely a fly by night company and as you'll discover is actually purchased for 1 lousy year which is the bare minimum amount of time one can buy a domain name for. Scratching your head yet?
The Bottom Line About Speedfeeder
Bottom line is nothing is guaranteed, life as we know can change in an instant so if you have $100 to exchange for potentially $1,600 worth of digital products and know a few others willing to also join Speedfeeder with you for a shot at making over $1950 per cycle you and yours complete (filling up three 2x2 matrices) then I'd say Definitely Join Speedfeeder, if NOT, run away and join LeasedAdSpace where you actually buy and earn off of something everyone always needs more of, traffic.
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About Xavier Rivera

Hi I'm Xavier, a husband and father of 3 daughters. I live in Arizona and enjoy spending time with my wife and kids when I'm not online. My motivation is fueled with them in mind. As an online entrepreneur, I've seen a lot of opportunities, some awesome, and others not so much. I'm currently running a done for you ad campaign where you can add all your business links onto a rotator that I then drive traffic to using all of my traffic websites.