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T.E.A.M, together everyone achieves more, is a widely used acronym, yet why is it when it comes to TEAMBUILDING, so many willing and capable entrepreneurs fall flat on their face?
Here are "10 Reasons Why Most TEAMBUILDS Fail."
1. The compensation plan doesn't work well with a Teambuild
2. The admin of the TEAMBUILD lacks experience and/or the time to put into making sure the Teambuild continues building
3. NEGATIVE Nellys making their rounds amongst other Teambuild members like a cancer
4. The Lone WOLVES in sheep's clothing, that marketer whom just seeks to procede with their own agenda and not the teambuild's
5. The fence dwellers (consisting roughly of about 80% of the team) who are just there for the FREE signups and do little to nothing to aide in the growth of their Teambuild
6. The product or service being sold is low quality and of little value
7. There's little to no transparency in the Teambuild
8. Insufficient signups to go around Teambuild members
9. Too expensive to JOIN
10. No Community or TEAM Culture to keep the Team in the know, and well informed
Those are just 10 reasons why most Teambuilds fail that I can come up with, surely you may know of others, however despite this, I believe in the success of 1 Teambuild imparticular.
I believe Kevin Waldron founder of Team Easy Profits Academy to have broken the code. Each of the 10 reasons why most Teambuilds fail are just about debunked, and only time will tell if this well oiled residual cash cow will continue growing.
The fact Kevin Waldron chose a 5 year old debt free company that's been successfully growing since 2012, of which he's been a member of since the beginning, is really no wonder. I personally can vouch for this company too as I have been a member since 2014, and if you've spent any time online, you too have heard of them.
What makes TEAM EPA a homerun is the devotion behind it, founder Kevin Waldron has huge things coming to the Teambuild, that will be released in phases as with any good leader he keeps Team EPA in the know via the closed, by invitation only Facebook group, as well as create a TEAM culture needed to fuel new members into Action.
Don't get me started on their compensation plan, it's hands down the BEST one in the industry and it works perfectly with any Teambuild effort. So even if you're already a member of this company, you can still choose to participate, along with everyone in your current downline. Even people absolutely NEW to network marketing and the work from home space are making a real residual income thanks to everyone simply sharing the ONE Teambuild link.
It's also very affordable to subscribe to Team Easy Profits Academy @ only $11.50 you'll be in position to begin earning a life long residual income passively and easily as a member of this innovative Teambuild that in my opinion has all the necessary ingredients to debunk my "10 Reasons Why Most TEAMBUILDS Fail."
Xavier Rivera
▶ Learn more about the products, compensation plan, and EPA Teambuild
About Xavier Rivera

Hi I'm Xavier, a husband and father of 3 daughters. I live in Arizona and enjoy spending time with my wife and kids when I'm not online. My motivation is fueled with them in mind. As an online entrepreneur, I've seen a lot of opportunities, some awesome, and others not so much. I'm currently running a done for you ad campaign where you can add all your business links onto a rotator that I then drive traffic to using all of my traffic websites.