Leased Ad Space
Hi everyone, I'm Xavier Rivera, and I show business owners how they can use proximity marketing to put more eyes on their brand, product, service and business online and offline.
The offline advertising is less than you could imagine for having the ability to transmit your 40-45 character message plus your website right onto every Bluetooth enabled devices within 300 feet from your Asirvia GO beacons.
The messages can be changed instantly in your back office so you can make sure that your message, picture, and soon even video can speak to those around you.
There's many ways to use your GO beacons, oen way is offering a coupon which appears on their mobile device the same as a Facebook or YouTube notification, and looks a bit like a Groupon. A picture with a title a short description of your offer along with a call to action tab, a Facebook share tab, and a save to Google or Apple wallet tab so this way when they leave the 300 ft perimeter, they can view it later on.
The industries who can use this are literally limited, and since this is considered offline marketing, it allows business owners to leverage their reach by having each of their employees or associates carry one of these GO beacons with them all the time.
If anyone would like to reach their potential customers on the go visit my site below.
Xavier Rivera
About Xavier Rivera

Hi I'm Xavier, a husband and father of 3 daughters. I live in Arizona and enjoy spending time with my wife and kids when I'm not online. My motivation is fueled with them in mind. As an online entrepreneur, I've seen a lot of opportunities, some awesome, and others not so much. I'm currently running a done for you ad campaign where you can add all your business links onto a rotator that I then drive traffic to using all of my traffic websites.