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Nutrionex Foods
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Location - Survey No. 407 - P19, Unit-1, At-Hadmatiya, Ta- Tankara,Dist- Morbi-363641 Gujrat.
Join Date - 2024-08-17
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WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF NUTRIONEX FOODS Whenever you are trying to taste some delicious peanut butter on bread every morning, you need to enjoy that fine taste with every bite. For that, procuring the best item from top-notch Peanut butter manufacturer in India is your main goal. Well, not to worry when you have us at Nutrionex Foods by your side. We are ready to explore all the variations of peanut butter for you and present you with quality products all the time.With us, there is no compromise on the quality of food you get from our side. We are working straight with our farmers, exporters and distributors to provide you with the tastiest peanut butter you can put in your mouth. We are working hard to be one of the leading manufacturers of peanut butter all across India. Our main center is located in Gujarat and we have been providing competitive items under multiple circumstances. From us, you will get quality food items in the well sealed and hygienic packages all the time.
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