Leased Ad Space
When you advertise your affiliate programs
online it would be advisable to keep checking
your links from time to time.
I mean the links you have forwarded to ad
sites irrespective of what the ad program
may be.
I have often clicked on links that launch
sites that say "This Domain Is For Sale" or
a statement that indicates that the hosting
for that particular web site has to be renewed
and the vendor has not done the needful.
That means the affiliate product that you
are promoting is no longer online and the
careless vendor is not aware of it.
It could also mean that the vendor has
not gotten enough sales or sign ups
to justify retaining the sales page by
renewing the hosting and renewing
the domain name.
Another frequent occurrence is, some
links pointing to affiliate pages launch
a site that indicates that the link was
posted by an affiliate who is 'not
authorized' to re-sell that particular
product or service.
Remember that you are either paying for
the clicks that you have arranged for
your links, or you are involved in some
time consuming activity to earn the credits
that you are utilizing to draw attention
to whatever it is that you are promoting
Even the viewer is disappointed when
he lands on a page other than the one
that he is expecting to see.
More so since there would be no way he
could get in touch with the affiliate to
warn him that his clicks are being wasted.
About Han MM

I too, am an online marketer, testing various advertising methods. I've been online from 2007, observing the many changes that have taken place over the years. I click, I write content, I design and create web pages, and I promote affiliate products and services online ... ! Then I click ... once more, twice more, as often as I need to. You wouldn't know what's in it for you until you click! Well? Well, I have posted a couple of interesting videos on this page. They have nothing to do with money making on the Internet or making money elsewhere! ["idiot" - "He's Wasting Valuable Advertising Space!"] Huh? That's what you think! But I think otherwise! I really do. Well, one of the videos is dedicated to all those online marketers who arrange a few thousands of hits to their referral URLs and when the "expected results" don't materialize, exclaim "Oh This Thing Does Not Work At All! ... It's A Waste Of Time! ... " The other is dedicated to all those online entrepreneurs who spend much time online learning, and testing new methods en route to cracking the code! It'll be easy to figure out which one is for which type of marketer. So take a break guys .... Online explorers ... Enable sound on your speakers / headphones ... and MOVE YER FEET! Stay tuned for more! Cheers!