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The Struggle Is Real, The Answer Is Responsibility!
Published by Ray Shilling — 05-09-2018 02:05:26 PM
The title says it all!
I've been online since 2015, and I can tell you this...there is no such thing as a done for you system, or automated system. I feel this is one of the reasons why this industry gets such a bad rap.
A person decides, enough is enough and, wants to better their life and, most importantly, that of their family as well. So this person decides to enter the online space as an entrepreneur! Makes sense to me, thousands of people do this daily.
But, here is the hangup they face.This person buys all these courses, jumps from one program to the next. They learn everything they can about the industry. Email marketing, re-targeting, copy writing, etc... Worst of all, falling prey to false promises.
The truth is, in my opinion, for every ethical marketer out there, there are several more unethical marketers who are louder and more flashy. Money exchanges hands, and you're none the better for it!
What happens next is not unexpected at all. Now everything, in the eyes of this person, is a scam! But, one thing I truly believe in is this:
The scam is the PERSON yelling scam. Now, some of you who read this are thinking, " How dare you put this back on me! I gave them my hard earned money and, I HAVE nothing to SHOW for it! " Well you're wrong, you have everything to show for it.
You have the knowledge of what to do to earn your first commission online. The reason this hasn't happened yet is because you still believe in the "automated, done for you." system. I'm here to tell you this, all systems, and I mean all, no matter how easier they make the journey do not work if you don't do the work.
Start building your list, go into a Facebook group and make a post. Do something with everything you have learned.
I'll sum it for you in a simple way: Take responsibility for your lack of action. Commit to the process and watch and everything starts to turn around for you.
About Ray Shilling

Hello My Friends! To be honest, I'm a man of few words. I don't really say much unless there is something I need to say. Which right now I feel like there is. If you are reading this, I wish this was titled " About You." Why do I say that? Here are the two biggest reasons. First. If you are on here looking for an opportunity, or looking for help for your business, talking about me doesn't really help YOU, does it? Second. Let's be real with each other. If I start making all these claims to how much money I've made, you can too, etc... then it becomes hype. HYPE, from any business or business person, can't be trusted. So here are the simple things about me. I want to work with the people who want to work with me. I want to help those who need help. With that said. Reach out to me. Let's connect and have a conversation. Regardless of where you are in life or your business, I wish for your Complete and Utter SUCCESS!