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For Most People!
My Uncle is one of the hardest working people that I have met in my life. He's a true cowboy, and the last of a dying breed. My grandfather, his step-father, taught him everything there was to know about being a cowboy; to riding horses, roping cattle and, running a working ranch. I had the pleasure of learning all this from him. During the summer after school let out, I would find a way to make it to Montana and spend the summer working the ranch right along side my Uncle.
He taught me how to ride, I learned my way around cattle, I even snuck some rides on some of his steer, lol. Those rides ended up in bruises...I hadn't learned that part of being a cowboy yet. My time spent with my Uncle showed me what true, hard and dedicated, work was. His horses, and all his cattle, roughly 8,000 head of of cattle, all relied on him and me for their well being. His family relied on the well being of the cattle, for that was their primary source of income. Those cows were destined to be sold at livestock auctions. But, that was my Uncle's dream, and he was living it for better and in a lot of cases, for worse.
Now I'm sure if any of you readers have spent a day those shoes. Let me tell you it is not over exaggerated when said, " working from sun up to sun down." Those were some of my toughest days to get through. But, that life style was in my blood. Now for my Uncle, who is now in his 70's, I believe, and if I'm wrong and he reads this, I'm in trouble all over again! He is still working, and working hard. His job now has him away from home up to weeks at a time, and then he will be home for a week or two. It is safe to say that this man has never shied away from hard work to support his family.
At What Cost?
This past February I got to see my Uncle back in Montana. We were there for our Aunt's funeral service. It was a hectic time, and he was spread thin. His age was definitely showing itself, and in a recent phone call, he was telling about how he was having to get supplemental medical $1200 a month! Let me ask you a question, as admirable as his life is and what he's been able to accomplish, at what cost? Is it worth the bumps and bruises, that eventually stop healing? Is it worth not being able to enjoy retirement because you have a hard time getting around? Is it worth not being able to go to some places on vacation because the weather just makes things worse. NO! It most certainly is not!
Now, most people won't have that problem. Their problem is something completely different. It's a problem of not having the time freedom to do what they want. Being locked down in the 9-5 grind of a work week is hard on people, and families. To support their families, they sacrifice the time they can spend with them. Is that worth it? How about going on vacation? How many of you reading this go on vacation where you can, instead of where you want to go? Is that worth the sacrifice? NO! It most certainly is not!
The bottom line is with the amount of people who flock, daily, to the internet for answers to remedy these pains, you need to be the person that stands out from the crowd with your sign that reads, " I have your solution!" What is that solution? Well the answer is to become an entrepreneur with an online presence. You can read this post for more on that. It is never to late to get into the GAME, and start taking back control of your time, your choices, and your life!
About Ray Shilling

Hello My Friends! To be honest, I'm a man of few words. I don't really say much unless there is something I need to say. Which right now I feel like there is. If you are reading this, I wish this was titled " About You." Why do I say that? Here are the two biggest reasons. First. If you are on here looking for an opportunity, or looking for help for your business, talking about me doesn't really help YOU, does it? Second. Let's be real with each other. If I start making all these claims to how much money I've made, you can too, etc... then it becomes hype. HYPE, from any business or business person, can't be trusted. So here are the simple things about me. I want to work with the people who want to work with me. I want to help those who need help. With that said. Reach out to me. Let's connect and have a conversation. Regardless of where you are in life or your business, I wish for your Complete and Utter SUCCESS!