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The Smart Way to Start a Business Is to Copy What Already Works
Published by Renee Love — 01-05-2017 12:01:32 PM
When I was still working for other people in an eight to five job, all I knew of owning a business was what I read on news sites after work. The space seemed to be reserved for people who were already wealthy: People who could easily afford the costs of starting a business from scratch. I believed I was stuck with working for other people forever, as I did not have the necessary capital. My only hope appeared to be to knuckle down, make my employer rich and hope to retire with a pension.I would still be in that space today if somebody did not introduce me to a better way of making money for myself one Christmas Eve.
I want to share this business knowledge with you.These are the lessons I learned that day.
Starting Up a Business Does Not Have to Cost a Pile of Money
Getting into business can be an easy ride if we copy what already works. There are loads of people out there wanting business affiliates to do their marketing for generous commissions. If I told you how to take advantage of this, would you be interested? I bet you would after I added you have only minimal start-up costs. The start-up costs you are going to save are what prevent most other folks from getting into business. By far the largest of these expenses are likely to be research and development, intellectual property protection, and developing the brand. With my way, you are going to avoid this unnecessary expenditure because someone else already paid for it.
A Franchise can work but is the expensive option
Before I start, I want to make it very clear that I am not using a franchise. I use a business opportunity that is ready to fire up in a few hours for next to nothing. A franchise can cost a small fortune to buy because it usually requires a brick and mortar store front. It can be a sure-fire way to make money if it is in the right space. The downside is the fortune it costs to open. Moreover, you can only sell in a small part of the market. So there may be an opportunity in the market, but the gap is small until someone else opens up in competition with you. After that, who knows? There could be no gap at all. You could lose all your money and walk away with nothing.
Ditch the Franchise. Let’s Talk About Leveraged Residual Income
If you are reading this, you are likely in fixed employment, or subcontracting / f,reelancing for other people. Either way, you earn a set rate per month or per hour, no matter how brilliant your contribution. Your employer leverages their income from your efforts by selling your results for two or three times more. I want to share the two most important things I learned that Christmas Eve, with you.
• When we market another person’s goods or services, we save money for start-up costs by using something that already works and is done for us. That is why we have no product development costs and can start earning commissions right away. Best of all, we can run the business from home and that is another cost savings.
• When we sell a renewable product - for example, term insurance, roadside assistance, or legal advice to name a few - we get paid a commission every time a client makes a payment. We call this residual income because we sold a product that provides value, but the customer has to keep on renewing or repurchasing to continue to receive the benefit.
This Means You Get Paid Over and Over for Work You Do Once.
Can you see how much better that can be than working, freelancing, or contracting? Would you like to start leveraging residual income from somebody else’s idea that already works? We have some great ideas we offer. You can run them concurrently with the other things you do, even along side your job while you ramp your new business up. Welcome to a fantastic business model that you can even franchise yourself earning from the efforts of others. Now that’s adding real leverage to your income earning potential.
Click Here to Learn About What We Do and How You Can Copy Our Business Plan.
About Renee Love

Hi, my name is Renee' Love, I am a revolutionary, who love helping others gain their freedom by introducing them to low to no cost business opportunities. I am a firm believer that you can't just wait for someone else to give you a handout you must come up with your own Plan B if your Plan A has failed you.