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We've Been Hoodwinked and Bamboozled... (Destined For Poverty)
Published by Renee Love — 06-29-2018 08:06:05 AM
Our whole lives, the majority of us have been told “Go to college. Get
a job.”
Well, the average job in America, for someone with a degree, pays
around $41,496 a year.
Here’s why you should care...
Let me break down the lifestyle that $3,458/mo would get you in 2018:
Taxes: $1,200
Rent: $800 (with roommate or partner)
Food: $400
Car: $300 (not including gas)
Car Insurance: $140
Health Insurance: $320
GRAND TOTAL: $3,160/mo
Now let’s do the math...
$3,458 (income) - $3,160 (expenses) = $298
So, if you don’t ever leave your house, watch cable, use the internet,
love sitting in the dark, are willing to give away your kids or never
have a family, and have 0 bad luck, you can save almost $300 a month.
That gives you an ANNUAL savings of $3,576 which is just enough to pay
the interest on your student loans.
You mad yet? No? Okay, here’s a fun fact…
If you’re like most Americans, it’s going to take you 21 years to pay
off your loans. So technically, if you have a baby today, right when
you STOP paying off your loans, you can START paying off their loans.
----------------------> CONGRATS, you’ve been legally scammed!
Now, what are you going to do about it?
College taught you “Art History” instead of “How To Build Credit
College taught you “Humanities” instead of “How To Sell To Humans In
College taught you “Calculus” instead of “How To Calculate The
Lifetime Value Of A Customer”
College taught you how to study to get grades, but forgot to equip you
with the skills in order to get paid.
Now as you can see what we were taught about money is antiquated and proven failures...
Hence over 40 million Americans live in poverty and the number is rising...
It's time to change the narrative and learn how to break free from this financial bondage
that we were thrown into because of the lack of knowledge...
It's not your fault, I know that you weren't given a manual on finance nor were you given the memo...
But I'm here to restore hope for all people living in America today... There is a way out!
If the Colleges and Universities won't teach us we must then teach ourselves so that our kids and so forth
don't have to live in such a depressed and stressed state as we have up until now...
Breaking free from poverty is as simple as 123... trust me
The wealth building strategies have been hiding in plain sight...
Lucky for you I've come across a company that has put everything that you need
to break free of poverty and has housed it all under one roof...
Click here to get started with your Personal Financial Success transformation today!
Your children's children future depends on it...
About Renee Love

Hi, my name is Renee' Love, I am a revolutionary, who love helping others gain their freedom by introducing them to low to no cost business opportunities. I am a firm believer that you can't just wait for someone else to give you a handout you must come up with your own Plan B if your Plan A has failed you.