

Rhys Hughes

Contact Info

Skype - rhys78.hughes

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/rhys.hughes.585

Location - Leeds, United Kingdom

Join Date - 2016-09-13

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About Me

My name is Rhys Hughes and I live on the outskirts of Leeds in the UK. I live with my Partner Tamsyn, who has done nothing but support me and has been my rock. We have two children who make us laugh every day, so we are very lucky.

I have been working in network marketing for about a year now and came to the realisation that if I were to continue working for someone else, it would be impossible for me to better my financial situation in order to provide for my family and enjoy quality time with them.

My goal with this business is to be able to provide my family with the home we need to live comfortably, so its full steam ahead to achieve this.

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