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LAS Blogs: Ria Zervos
About Ria Zervos

I'm an all around health, life and business coach. Helping others find their balance with being healthy, fitness career, life or bringing all your ideas of health and well being together. Helping you find your next level of health, wellness and balance into your life.
It's FREE!!!
Published on 06-09-2017 04:06:22 PM by Ria Zervos
Did you know the Instagram is growing and growing and growing? Did you know that it's still FREE and that you can help your business on Instagram? BUT there is a right and wrong way to use Instagram. The best course on the internet and the only course you should invest in to
... (continue reading →)Entering into Instagram
Published on 06-06-2017 04:06:20 PM by Ria Zervos
There are so many forms of social media that it's hard to decide which one to dive into. I've learned to take 1 or 2 master them and than move to the platform. But right now Instagram is on firer!! Not only is it on fire it's FREE!!! Instagram is free platform to drive traffic
... (continue reading →)How are you taking care of YOU?
Published on 05-29-2017 01:05:16 PM by Ria Zervos
We are all so good at taking care of others and we always forget to take care of yourselves. We say "I'll do it later" "I'll start on Monday" Or "l'll start in the New Year". There are always a million reasons why we don't care of ourselves.
Now is
... (continue reading →)How are you growing?
Published on 05-25-2017 11:05:44 AM by Ria Zervos
Everyday is a new day. Everyday we have a choice to grow and learn something new. To take on new adventures. One of mine is joining a Network Marketing company. A company that I can stand behind and company that I enjoy their products. Also a company that is still
... (continue reading →)What's your journey?
Published on 05-17-2017 04:05:23 PM by Ria Zervos
As I'm making these new steps I've come upon several companies that I'm loving! So I ask you what journey do you want to go on? Do you want to take the MLM journey? The affiliate way? The Instagram management? or The health coaching route? What journey are you looking to
... (continue reading →)On this journey
Published on 05-15-2017 03:05:22 PM by Ria Zervos
On this journey we find so many things. So many things that we go hmmm that's interesting, or wow how about that or we fall in love with something or someone. This journey has lead me to open my mind to new business and to learn new things. One of may things I'm learning
... (continue reading →)Making steps
Published on 05-12-2017 03:05:45 PM by Ria Zervos
As I'm on this journey of making new steps. I came across one product that opened my eyes. It opened my eyes to the online world and what's out there. My head started spinning as it was all so new to me. but one thing was for sure I was trying something. I was trying
... (continue reading →)Making the 1st Step
Published on 05-10-2017 01:05:47 PM by Ria Zervos
Making the 1st step can be so hard. Have you ever watched a baby learn to walk? They take a step or 2 and than fall but they don't give up. They keep trying. I believe that's what we have do when in starting something new. Take that 1st step and if you fall it's okay, just
... (continue reading →)