Time for a reset!

Published by Ria Zervos — 09-04-2017 12:09:17 PM

After a crazy summer running around, traveling for work and fun, I really had to sit down and hit the reset button.  Sit and think what is I want to do.  How do I want to make all this come together. What is my purpose?

As I sit and try to figure it all out I come back to 1 course and 1 book.  The 1 course that got me started on this path I realized I need to review this course again.  This course is 100% free and it's 100 days to pull your business together.  The 1 book that made me refocus and helped me pull all together, I'm reading again!

If you are feeling like I was/am I highly recommend you signing up for this course and ordering this book.  You have nothing loose!

100 Day Bootcamp

Expert Secrets Book

About Ria Zervos


I'm an all around health, life and business coach. Helping others find their balance with being healthy, fitness career, life or bringing all your ideas of health and well being together. Helping you find your next level of health, wellness and balance into your life.