

Robert Ek

Contact Info

Facebook - Robert Ekh

Twitter - @Robertekh

Location - Thailand

Join Date - 2017-09-08

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About Me

I´m a retiree from Sweden, now living in Thailand since three years back. After surviving a heart failure of which the doctors couldn't pinpoint the cause, a whole summer of the strongest radiation treatment for cancer, all in the same year, I decided to retire early.

I came through those challenges and in some way I think it made me stronger on the inside. I also learned to listen to my body in a way i did not do for many years, I was far too busy working to care for other people. Now I exercise regularly and I´m even physically stronger than for a very long time.

After 8 years of University studies and degrees in theology and philosophy, I worked for more than 30 years pastoring, teaching, training other pastors, teachers and church workers in over 40 countries. I also helped starting bible colleges and grade schools in Eastern Europe and Asia, mainly in poor areas in India.

Working with and for people is very rewarding and I have made friends in many areas of the world. Some of the strongest and at the same time most humble people I have ever met was living under the hardest and most difficult of circumstances.

I would not have it any other way, I love those people. However, as a retiree, the stark reality of living on a too small pension got me searching the internet for opportunities to create alternative income streams, and the businesses I chose to work with as an affiliate marketer are providing me with that.

I´m grateful and I invite you to join me in this venture to make a good life a reality for you and your family and friends.

Yours truly,
Robert Ek

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