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Sandblasting is a metal preparation and finishing process that involves the use of sand, soda, water, or other abrasive media projected at high pressure and velocity onto a surface to achieve the desired results. It is used to clean, reshape, alter the texture of metal components, or prepare casings for a paint job. However, you need a licensed applicator with the latest equipment and a controlled environment for safe sandblasting.
If you are searching for sandblasting services near you, look no further than Rusty Lions. We offer versatile sandblasting services to achieve smooth, rugged, or any other desired finish on your metal objects. We have a wide range of media and application procedures to fulfill OEM specifications in any sandblasting job.
Sandblasting Applications
The abrasive particles projected at high speed and pressure can:
· Clean the Surface
Sandblasting eliminates dust, grease, oil, rust, and other surface imperfections to enhance the aesthetics of your components.
· Rust & Corrosion Removal
Our applicators can restore your metal components by removing corrosion and rust.
· Stripping Old Paint
Sandblasting also strips off old paint and exposes the metal underneath without damage to prepare the object for a fresh paint or powder coating job.
· Pretreatment
OEM parts must be prepared for a flawless powder coating job. We sandblast components for custom powder coating requirements.
Obtain a Quote
At Rusty Lions, we have several media and application techniques to ensure you get the finish you desire.
Call 347-613-8103 for the best sandblasting services in NJ.
About Rusty Lions LLC

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