Leased Ad Space
Innovative New Technology
Email advertising is great and still ranks high as one of the preferred methods of marketing goods and services online. However, statistics show that more and more people are using smart devices, such as smartphones, to access their content on the go. Whether it be posting to Facebook, "tweeting" their followers or simply reading their email and text messages, 80% of adults now carry a smartphone and the numbers continue to climb. No longer is the PC the preferred method of connecting with the web.
To capitalize on this trend, we at Global Ad Solutions have developed new technology which allows you to send your ads in the form of a text message to our database of close to 28,000,000 phone numbers worldwide. Now, you can send a 160 character message including a URL from anywhere on the planet where you can get a connection.smartphone submitter
About sherry goff

mother of 2 grown kids and 4 grandkids. i'm an owner of a couple of businesses and affiliate marketer