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Software company develops high-end software based products for use in the financial money and currency market.
Published by Igor Vestic — 09-17-2017 08:09:33 AM
Software company develops high-end software based products for use in the financial money and currency market.
We're gonna presenting our Bitcoin multiplier Usi - Tech or United Software Intelligence. Now before we begin real quick disclaimer: proof of payment is no guarantee you will earn the same but it would be possible to earn this and more with equal or greater strategy and work ethic any earnings figures shown are not a guarantee of income figures are presented for illustration purposes only. I want to say real quick that this is not an official Usi - Tech presentation this is our own interpretation and team strategy our team utilizes the USI products to leverage and multiply paper currency as well as Bitcoin. We are positioning ourselves in front of emerging trends and the crypto currency markets.
Now what is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is the first decentralized peer-to-peer payment network that is powered by its users with no central authority or middlemen. The history of Bitcoin actually started in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto and released as an open source software in 2009, January 12 2009 this was the historic, first Bitcoin transaction it took place when Satoshi sent a Bitcoin to Hal Finney and actually the first transaction the first purchased that Bitcoin was used for Lazo Hynek made the first real word transaction by actually purchasing two pizzas in Jacksonville Florida for 10,000 BTC. Pretty insane amount but at the time Bitcoin was very, was basically you know almost worthless, you didn't buy a whole bunch with ten thousand Bitcoin back in 2010, now the future of Bitcoin now as it becomes more and more widely accepted the price continues to soar it is really a simple matter of supply and demand. I call it money and reverse because unlike fiat currency bitcoin has a limited supply. The supply is limited so as more and more people buy Bitcoin it pushes the price up. Simple economics, right there. Bitcoin potential it could hit a hundred thousand dollars per coin it could hit a million dollars per coin nobody really knows the true potential nobody knows how high the price could go.
Benefits of Bitcoin: number one extremely low transaction fees versus credit and debit cards you know which could vary from three to five percent. Irreversible transactions, that's a big one right there, there's no charge backs or refunds. Basically all sales are final. No proof of identification needed, you don't have to pull out your ID card when you use your debit card or credit card or whatever it may be, there's no limits on purchases. This is huge right here because large transactions it's a hassle especially here where I live in the United States I mean you have to get a bank wire or you have to do a cashier's check, both require you to physically go to your financial institution. It's difficult to do large purchases here and Bitcoin is definitely a remedy for that problem. Speedy global payment system you know with multiple worldwide currencies you could send anyone in the world Bitcoin and it's very fast.
There's no currency trading that has to take place, there's no currency exchanging that has to take place or any of that stuff guys, this is definitely a solution for the global payment system. It's definitely not controlled or manipulated by government. This is no government entity is connected to Bitcoin monitors, Bitcoin regulates, Bitcoin is being monitored by its users. The way this was set up in the evolution of Bitcoin it's fascinating. If you study the history of this. you are in control of your money, that's right, whoever holds the keys to Bitcoin well that's who holds the purse strings so unlike being in a banker in a merchant processing or wherever your money is with Bitcoin you're in control of your money, you always have control over it. The appreciating value of Bitcoin Bitcoin could go up there's no guarantee it's going to go up but it could go up. You know unlike paper currencies fiat currencies that go down in value because the government prints too much of it.
Now real quick billionaires you can find their comments they've been very vocal about this Richard Branson actually accepts Bitcoin, his company accepts Bitcoin as payment. He has recognized Bitcoin and these guys are supporters of Bitcoin. Bill Gates also Microsoft accepts Bitcoin as payment you can find their comments, find what they have said about this and until recently Mark Cuban another billionaire was very critical of Bitcoin, called it a bubble and he was really hyper critical of Bitcoin until he recently tweeted out, might have to finally buy some, so even the skeptics out there like Mark Cuban are taking notice of Bitcoin, it's here to stay. Bitcoin global acceptance is enormous and it's growing everyday the list of companies the retailers I mean you name it just about everybody. By the day this list is growing, is accepting bitcoins payment, they're accepting it as a worldwide currency, they're accepting it for purchases. So and this list is nothing, this is really a small slice, this is a sliver of all the companies that are accepting Bitcoin but it just shows you the power because there's some major brands up there on the screen that are accepting Bitcoin. So it is here and it is here to stay.
USI Tech as a software company develops high-end software based products for use in the financial money and currency market and further operates blockchain based server farms for mining established and recognized tradable information, informational units known as bitcoins. I'm not gonna get into the whole mining process it's pretty fascinating you can actually look this up, there's some very well-made documentaries over on YouTube. It's fascinating the way the Bitcoin is created through the mining process. The founders of USI Tech are : Joao Filipe Fernandes Severino, Ralph Gold, Horst Jicha, Mike Kiefer. These gentlemen were all highly successful in their own industries before USI Tech, they didn't put this thing together to become wealthy, wealthy they already are. So these are the people behind USI Tech, now the objective was to consistently develop a fully automated trading platform which even smaller traders can compete against the major financial institutions. Now when USI Tech came to market, when they first came to market they only had one product and the product was a software license, an automatic software license and this product right here is being sold for an economical. I can't believe how low the price is. I've purchased this product for 600 euros and this is for a lifetime service of free updates. We're actually on version 8 of the software. I've bought the software it's forex trading software, you don't have to know anything about the forex market because this thing runs on autopilot. It's pretty fascinating, this is actually a shot of my actual software that I purchased and this trades for me 5 days per week on complete autopilot. I had to set it up it was very simple and easy to set up.
Another one of our products is Bitcoin we call them BTC packages and what these are is BTC mining and trading packages. They are sold for 50 euros each and they're purchased with Bitcoin. Like I said they're sold for 50 euros each we have to purchase these with Bitcoin and you can read the product detail. There's the product detail that pops up when you click on in the back-office on that particular link right there and I do want to say that we have multiple payment options for buying BTC packages and there's actually more payment options on the way. Now BTC packages have no guaranteed value, I want to be very clear about that you definitely want to read the product detail. I'm not going to read that whole thing out there it's right in there in front of you but read it guys. It's right there in black and white in plain English and there's no guaranteed value. These BTC packs have some purchase limits in place, obviously these are some checks and balances and some safeguards that USI Tech put in place to prevent wealthy people from coming in here and buying all these packs. Because the rich are always looking to multiply their money because that's their full-time job, once you become wealthy your full-time job, trust me on this is gonna be. There's some purchase limits in place right here , you can buy 200 BTC packages in a day, that's the limit, 400 BTC packages in a week, 500 BTC packages in a month, now this is out of pocket. There's no limits on repurchases and we'll talk about that in just a moment but these are limits put in place. Purchasing BTC packs we will receive a return on capital from BTC mining and trading packs Monday through Friday only. Bitcoin is added to your available balance until you have collected around one hundred and forty percent, results may vary, BTC packs have a limited life and the return on capital usually lasts a hundred and forty working days. Once again results may vary. Another way is we commit multiple our Bitcoin fast by getting commissions on referral BTC package sales up to thirty five percent. Here's how this works: it pasted 12 levels deeps, here how it works is every one that we directly refer to the platform we get paid ten percent. Now think about this every time someone buys a BTC package we get ten percent, now that also includes re buys, so someone buys a hundred BTC packs well you would get ten percent commission and this is on all your directs. Pretty strong right there, now also these are three percent Commission's on level two so these are people we did not sponsor , these people yet we're getting a three percent sales referral sales referral on all sales of BTC packs. Now that could be pretty substantial right there be especially if you're one of the people that bring in a lot of people front line this could add up pretty quick. Right now levels three through eight also a 3% but you have to qualify. There are terms and conditions on this and also on levels 9 through 12 there's a 1% referral BTC package sale.Terms apply now to qualify for all 12 levels it's pretty simple here's how it works, refer three customers that have 12 BTC packs each, so just three people, frontline that have purchased 12 BTC packs each, or refer three customers that purchased the software. Now it's one or the other it's not a combination of the two so pretty simple qualifiers right here to dig into 12 levels up to 35% on these BTC package sales. There are no purchase or repurchase requirements, you know you're not required to purchase anything here or repurchase anything you may withdrawal your available balance at any time. Withdrawals are processed within 24 hours, one withdrawal per day and presently capped at 2.5 Bitcoin per day. You may also purchase more BTC packages with your available balance so it's your money, you're in control. Spend it as you please. At the dashboard for illustration purposes only this is just what it looks like back there pretty simple easy to navigate very streamlined, very well thought-out when they put this thing together and you can tell people that come from the trading market, the trading background put this together not someone from like a an affiliate marketing or network marketing or internet marketing type background. You can tell that true professional traders put this thing together because the and once you play around back here and check out everything you can do, the reports, you can generate all that kind of cool stuff. I've just never seen so much data available in one place, ever in any back-office, so this is what it looks like. Like I said it's pretty simple easy to navigate it's extremely physical and very well thought-out and laid out the navigation process. We also got a company incentives, here we have a car bonus, pretty awesome right, there are terms and conditions. You can actually get an 800 euro car bonus which in the United States that's about a thousand dollars us and I'll tell you something right now with that kind of car bonus this is a large car bonus, here in the United States you could probably purchase just about anything that I could think of automobile or truck made in the USA for $1,000 a month quite easily. So that covers just about every car and truck made in America, almost every car and truck made in America with that particular car bonus, 800 euros, that's a lot of money, just spent on a vehicle and then there's a part two where you can actually double the car bonus . That's about probably around two thousand dollars or so. I don't know anyone that spends two grand on their car each month, so that's quite a large car bonus. There's no back office monthly or enrollment fees whatsoever, must be 18 years old partner affiliates who want to count per household one, no stacking rule. So what that means is real simple, if you're gonna build a team, well you just can't sign up everybody in your household and they're gonna build their team too that's that's a big no-no. You don't want to risk, you don't want to risk losing your account, right absolutely being terminated or anything like that or violating the terms and conditions. So one partner affiliate account per household.
Now you can have unlimited customer per household, now say for example you have someone living in your household that wants to purchase the software, they want to be a customer you can do that. They're not gonna a build team but they will be able to buy the products, they want to buy packages as such okay they can be customers and customers only. Think about this you could actually start for Free and you can refer others to the platform, never spend a dollar of your own money, out of pocket and take your available balance in, purchase packages, you could literally start for free.
This is a actually a no-cost business I mean it's 100% free and then you can follow whatever strategy that you want to follow. Only a small number of sales partners can generate a high income with their activity for USI Tech and generating an income is only possible through very intense and sustained work. No one's gonna get rich fast here, no one's gonna get rich overnight, no one's gonna get rich instantly, it's going to require very intensive and sustained work. Timing and positioning is everything, get started now for free here.
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