Leased Ad Space
Hello friends, with Your permission, I want to introduce you to an amazing opportunity I've stumbled upon a few days ago, to be as precise as possible, a friend of mine showed me this amazing company and I was thrilled from the beginning...
C'mon Igor tell us already what is it all about so we can carry on...
... o'right o'right here it is...
So I've joined the company on 12/11/2018 as I mentioned... a few days ago, and deposited some money, $100 to test the waters.
It literally took me 10 minutes to do everything I was supposed to do to start earning commission, It was an amazing experience...
I've set up everything in 10 minutes spent and after that commissions started popping in my balance... So far in those few days, I've earned 3.67% which is 4.50. I know You will say pih, Igor, that's nothing... and you would be right but, considering I was done in 10 minutes and every day I just log in watch 10 ads and logout It's amazing... I'm done with those sites in less than 5 min so rest is for my other stuff, but about that in another post.
It's time for more info, don't you think?
Let me introduce you to AdBlast. C'mon tell us already...
AdBlast is an advertising system inside Alternet Social Network site.
Adblast is only a small part of this big company and by utilizing only that part, you can get amazing stuff, but about that a bit later... also you can earn money which is commision based and commisions received depend on Alternet turnover as a whole which in the end provides great stability of the whole eco-system.
How AdBlast works?
To start earning, you have to buy an advertising package (AdPack for short). After the purchase, you get the right to create your ad. The profit is by company's income.
There are 3 packs you can choose from:
-> $10 AdPack which give the total of $12 after 130 days,
-> $50 AdPAck gives $60 total after 120 days and
-> $100 AdPAck that gives $125 after 110 days
My advice (as I got the same) is if you are planning for long term journey... don't even bother with anything less than $50 AdPack ( I started with $100 AdPack) as it will take you a long time to grow your account.
Ok moving on...
Now it gets exciting... it doesn't stop here...
With AdBLast you can earn even more...
You can recommend AdBlast to your friend, partners, team members and blow up your income, by utilizing the platform you can earn up to 5 levels deep; you start at "Status 1" which give you 3% for your direct referrals and progress your way up to "Status 5" which gives 9% for level 1 ( your direct referrals), 5% for level 2 ( your referral's referral) and 1% for level 3,4 and 5.
If you are really good at getting new active people on board... you will qualify for..
... Check this out...
...Career Plan (read team leader ) and get those amazing reward...
-> Top Smartphones for Advertising Level 2
-> MackBook Pro for Advertising Level 3 and
-> An Exotic Vacation as level 4 Advertiser...
Ain't that amazing?
Are you Excited already? I know I am...
So to start with this Amazing Opportunity, All you have to do is REGISTER HERE, Purchase Your first Adpack and watch 10 ads
About Igor Vitman

I'm a father of 3 beautiful daughters and my passion is technology and this is my way to produce and support my family. I'm on the mission to change as many people's lives as possible. Currently, I'm full time employed but that's about to change and I'll be working for myself and the best part, will be able to spend more time with my wife and kids. It's so amazing watching them grow and I don't wanna miss a single second from now on.