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LAS Blogs: Sten Thomas
About Sten Thomas

My name is Sten Thomas. I have a beautiful wife, 2 children and a grand son.I like reading the Bible. My favorite sports are soccer and basket ball. I have been marketing online for few years now. I really take delight in helping people to realize their goals and dreams. In view of this , I strive to provide quality programs and opportunities that will benefit people. I also from time to time write articles that encourages and motivates, because success comes to those who persevere and never quit. My advice to all is that whatever you do, be determined to reach the goal you have set. Should you ever need help in your online journey, do remember that I am always here to help.
BUIld your List Faster
Published on 08-05-2017 09:08:46 PM by Sten Thomas
Gorgeous Landing Pages Quick and Easy With Just a Click of Your Mouse
Creating landing pages is a huge hassle for most marketers. You have choice: do it yourself, or hire a designer.
A designer can create a beautiful page for you, but he’ll also drain your budget. And every time
... (continue reading →)Action Or Inaction
Published on 01-27-2017 06:01:10 PM by Sten Thomas
Inaction is a state of not doing anything, motionless and we can even say ,life less.
Action on the other hand, is a state of activity, a state of doing or motion.
So then as a business owner or promising business owner, which state do you prefer?
... (continue reading →)The value of setting goals.
Published on 01-25-2017 06:01:03 PM by Sten Thomas
There are many ingredients to success. All of these ingredients, are very essential, for the success of a business.However, one ingredient that I feel is so vital for success, is having goals. Hence, we will devote much of this discussion, on goals.
Why must we have goals? To answer
... (continue reading →)