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The word "millionaire" dominates the positive thinking world. That word has become a byword for phenomenal success and the realisation of your dreams. It dominates The Secret and dozens if not hundreds of books, articles and web site devoted to teaching you and I how to use the power of your mind to make good come to you and to take that power and become a millionaire.
Here is the problem. What is a millionaire? A millionaire, at a very basic definition is a person who owns one million dollars of money. Now you can play around about if that wealth is represented in the form of an actual bank balance or it exists in form of holdings such as homes, stocks and bonds.
The definition holds that a millionaire is defined by a certain some of financial wealth. And the fact that the word "millionaire" dominates the world of positive thinking and self-empowerment would give you the impression that getting money is the only goal.
It is helpful to recognise that probably the most successful writer and teacher on how to turn your life around, Anthony Robbins, does not focus on that specific sum of money as the final judgement of whether you have realised your dreams in life.
Anthony Robbins teaching gives us greater depth of what it means to be able to summon your powers of self-motivation to achieve success, that teaching moves us away from the idea that "becoming a millionaire" is the end all and be all of success.
It isn’t bad to want to be able to afford a nice lifestyle for you and your family. It isn't bad to want to reach a level of success that you and others can see that you are successful and that visual signal of success is in the form of wealth.
But to fixate on money and on a specific amount of money at that robs the teachings on self-enablement that are what make the books and seminars of Anthony Robbins so helpful to millions of people.
By letting the realisation of a large sum of money become the central goal of any self-enablement program turns you from looking within yourself to find what it means to you to be a success and forces you toward a quest of seeking monetary wealth.
It also means that if someone who is trying to achieve the goal of using the law of attraction and other self enablement tools to get a million dollars suddenly lucks into money, he will think that his quest is over because he got a million dollars.
What Anthony Robbins teaches is not about money at all. Money may be part of your dream in life and once you start your climb out of failure to success, money may be part of it. But everyone in the world doesn’t have the life of becoming a millionaire in their destiny.
And by removing the trapping that getting a million dollars is the goal of all who learn to use positive thinking techniques, Anthony Robbins' teaching allows you to look to your own calling in life to discover what your destiny is on this earth. And once you find that destiny from within, Robbins gives you the abilities and skills to reach out and grab that goal and make it your own.
It is only in this way that any of us can come to a place of final satisfaction. Robbins cannot define for me what my destiny is any more than I can define that for you.
But Anthony Robbins does teach you and I how to reach out and make our dreams come true. And that is by far a better gift than even getting a million dollars.
About James Reilly

Type 1 Diabetic Full Time Marketer making commission and helping others setup their systems and change their outlook on life.