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It seems a straight forward enough question...
What is Inspiration?
But I suppose there are so many different types of answers it's maybe better just to show you.
You see, earlier today I was sat outdoors (i find that inspiring), on a bench next to a stream (nature and the scale of all things natural inspires me), nearby was a sound system of the local bistro playing some great music (I get inspired by music and how it affects our mood and productivity), having just got off a Facebook Live with my buddy where we spoke about the 5 Stages Of Financial Well Being! (That was really inspiring!) I'd earlier been reflecting on the pages of a book that I'd read the night before and my creative juices were flowing!
It's fair to say that I was feeling pretty inspired...It was like the proverbial stars had aligned and I just wanted to share my messages with the world!
And THAT is what I did!
My Social Media just took off...My emails and messages were going nuts because I was just ZONED IN on success and the information I was sharing with people resonated.
I started my day with PURPOSE. I made it happen!
The results of today have been pretty epic and I don't consider that a coincidence.
Read this stuff and then do the same...Take control and OWN THE DAY!
I want to share a blog that I wrote this morning of the back of the PERPETUAL INSPIRATION!
You can check the blog HERE or you can click the image.
I'd also suggest that you connect with me on Facebook too. You can do that by visiting to check out the bigger picture of what I'm all about! :)
To your success!
Rich Green.
About Rich Green

I've been failing at online marketing for years. That all changed once I began to understand TRAFFIC! 6 figures later I have a great team of people and the skills to turn most offers into profit. I primarily focus on 'work from home' education/tools/resources with minimal participation in Rev Shares & 'Investment' type businesses. I'm a single Dad of 3 and building an awesome future for my family!