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Tools That You Can Use To Make Your Twitter Page More Interactive And Successful
Published by Anthony Stewart — 11-25-2018 03:11:33 PM
Whether you want to generate more traffic to your site or you want
to increase your social relationships, Twitting is a fun and exciting
activity that you can quickly master and use to achieve your goals.
We already know that Twitter keeps people connected at all times.
Some people send tweets regularly (every day) and others only a
few times a week. Since you are planning on using Twitter to build
your IM business the latter is the best option for you.
That leads us to our first tool, Future Tweets. This works great if
you aren?t able to send important tweets because you have other
commitments. It only takes a few minutes to set up and you can
use to automatically post your prepared tweets.
It is very important that you don?t use this tool to auto spam your
account with worthless information and constant offers. That will
only lose you followers. Here is an example of proper ways to use
this tool would be to remind your followers of upcoming seminars
or meetings, maybe even let them know about products and offers
to help build a buzz.
Sharing pictures and product images is also possible with Twitter
by using the tool Twitpic. When you make new contacts there may
come a time when you want to share some of your pictures with
them so that they can get to know you and your business better.
Once you?ve created your Twitpic account you can upload your
pictures and quickly post them on Twitter. Another great thing
about this tool is that it is also compatible with mobile devices
which make it easier to share pictures from your mobile device.
You can find out more about Twitpic here:
If you are using Wordpress for your blog, there are quite a
few tools that you can use to automate your Twitter activities
from inside your dashboard including:
TweetThis plug-in - It will encourage your visitors to tweet your
blog post. TweetThis also adds a Twitter link in every blog post
you create plus gives you the ability to shorten your blog post URL
to fit the 140-character limit.
TweetMeme button - Helps other people to easily retweet your
post on Twitter and it also shows a count of how many times your
blog post has been retweeted.
Twitter Tools - This plug-in integrates your blog with Twitter
by pulling all your tweets into the side bar of your blog. You can
also use it to post new tweets from inside your WordPress blog.
You can find these and a whole slew of other tools specifically for
wordpress by doing a search for " Twitter Wordpress plug-in"
Now let's talk about Twollo. It is another Twitter tool that you
can use to find people you want to follow. Just type in the subject
or topic that interests you and the tool will find people who are
talking about the same thing and automatically follows them for
And the list goes on. I could literally list hundreds of tools that work with Twitter for you, but then we would be stuck on this lesson for days, so instead I am going to suggest that you do a little home
work after you are done reading this lesson.
All you have to do is open up your favorite search engine and do a
search for "Twitter tools, plug ins and add-ons" you will find more
that enough to meet your needs. You can narrow your search even
more if you are looking for something more specific.
For instance I did a search for "Twitter tools business" while I was
writing this lesson and came across some that I didn't know
Before we close this lesson I do want to tell you about one more
tool that you can use to find out who you are following that isn't
following you back.
It's Tweepler and all you have to do is type in your Twitter
username and password and it will give you detailed list of who is
following you and who you are following. It also has a very nice
point and click interface, so that you can quickly sort through your
It does take it a few minutes to populate the list but it is well worth
the wait. You can find it here:
So, go do your homework and find some Twitter Tools that will
work in your niche and start using them to make new contacts,
automate your posts and promote your site even better with
About Anthony Stewart

Hello, my name is Tony Stewart. I am married and have two wonderful children and a dog. I have been marketing online since 1999 and been involved in the network marketing industry since 1988. Over the past 25 or so years I have invested a vast amount of time and money in my business education. My expertise is in creating an online presence for fun and profit. I really enjoy teaching others and of course making money. My passion is in precious metals, namely silver and gold. I am a collector of coins, military artifacts, and police related items. I would love to get to know you and work together to bring about our dreams and aspirations. I strongly believe in "paying back" for the great life I live due to my business and the business of others. If you have the same or similar interests let's connect and work together. You can investigate one of the programs I promote by visiting the links below, claim your free visitors to a website of your choice and let's create something beautiful! Thank you for visiting, hope to hear from you soon! Tony Stewart 770-653-6987