Social Media for Business. Myths about Social Media for Businesses

Published by Anthony Stewart — 05-17-2021 12:05:00 AM

Social Media for Business – Myths about Social Media for Businesses

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In the world of business, marketing strategies and techniques are riddled with myths, just to discourage people from using them. When social media became a popular marketing avenue or option for business owners, it had its own myths that discouraged traditional and old-school business owners from using them. Before the advent of Twitter and Facebook, it was considered a leap of faith for business owners to abandon traditional forms of marketing and use Internet marketing as a viable marketing option. 

What are these myths?

1.)Everybody’s on social media – Internet marketers will perpetuate these myths to business owners who think social media sites like Facebook can rake in millions of visitors. Internet marketers will do anything to hook business owners in, which is why this is the most prevalent myth. Facebook and Twitter may have millions of visitors, but it won’t guarantee that you’ll earn the same amount of visitors for your account or page. This is due to the fact that not everyone on social media is looking for you. If you’re using social medial, you need to set a realistic expectation on the kind of traffic you want to generate, like hundreds or a thousand a month.

2.)Social media requires special companies – Yes and no. Social media management is something that can be done in-house or you can hire companies to do it for you. The latter is often perpetuated as a myth to generate customers. Social media management is not that difficult. The concepts are easy to learn and the theories are easy to understand. There is no need for a specialized degree or graduate program to be considered as a social media guru.

3.)Social media generates traffic overnight – Again, yes and no. While social media will boost traffic to your company website or office, it won’t be in the hundreds or thousands overnight. Traffic generation with social media is gradual. You’ll increase your traffic the more you work on your social media efforts, which will bring us to the next myth.

4.)Social media requires 8 hours of work and attention – This is not true. You’d only have to spend at least a couple of hours to update your Facebook or any other social media account. This is to ensure customers that the page or account is being managed and they can expect fresh updates from you. This also gives them an idea that your business’s social media account is an avenue for customer interaction, which is a huge bonus.

Social media may have its myths, but it shouldn’t stop business owners from taking advantage of using sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Take a quick look at the new social media here!

About Anthony Stewart


Hello, my name is Tony Stewart. I am married and have two wonderful children and a dog. I have been marketing online since 1999 and been involved in the network marketing industry since 1988. Over the past 25 or so years I have invested a vast amount of time and money in my business education. My expertise is in creating an online presence for fun and profit. I really enjoy teaching others and of course making money. My passion is in precious metals, namely silver and gold. I am a collector of coins, military artifacts, and police related items. I would love to get to know you and work together to bring about our dreams and aspirations. I strongly believe in "paying back" for the great life I live due to my business and the business of others. If you have the same or similar interests let's connect and work together. You can investigate one of the programs I promote by visiting the links below, claim your free visitors to a website of your choice and let's create something beautiful! Thank you for visiting, hope to hear from you soon! Tony Stewart 770-653-6987