A bad economy fuels Network Marketing!

Published by Anthony Stewart — 06-03-2022 02:06:38 AM

"The Network Marketing Industry does good when the economy is doing bad."

The reason is because when the economy sucks and peoples' money-situation is taking a hit, the smart ones start to look for a way to make extra income, replacement income, or big-time income.

And as network marketers already know, a great way to make extra income, to make replacement income, and to make big-time income is with Network Marketing.

>>Network Marketing is the answer to a bad economy.

>>Network Marketing is recession-proof.

>>Network Marketing doesn't require huge money to get started.

>>Network Marketing, when it's done right, has massive income potential.

>>Network Marketing lets you work from home.

>>Network Marketing rewards you with both financial and time freedom.

Everyone who doesn't have their head in the sand knows that right now the economy is in a tailspin and it's getting worse on a daily basis. Some economists are saying the economy is going to get as bad as it's ever been. That ain't good.

Candidly speaking, Americans are getting screwed, and it didn't have to be this way. Over the last 18 months our "leaders" have caused it to be so, and they don't seem to want to do anything to make it better. Rather, it seems they want to make it worse with the asinine choices they make and the ridiculous policies they implement. On almost a daily basis tens of millions of Americans read or watch or hear the news, they then scratch their heads, and they say with frustration and anger, 

                                                                        "Are you $#@&%$# kidding me?"

So, what is a person to do about it? A person can either sit by and watch things happen, or they can get to work in network marketing and make things happen.  

                                                                    I would encourage people to do the latter.

This is a recent email I received from Tracy Biller, I thought it would be relevant. 


Tracy Biller

Phone: 615-264-8286

Email:  Tracy@UltimateSuccessCDs.com

My Name Is Anthony Stewart and you can find me HERE!

About Anthony Stewart


Hello, my name is Tony Stewart. I am married and have two wonderful children and a dog. I have been marketing online since 1999 and been involved in the network marketing industry since 1988. Over the past 25 or so years I have invested a vast amount of time and money in my business education. My expertise is in creating an online presence for fun and profit. I really enjoy teaching others and of course making money. My passion is in precious metals, namely silver and gold. I am a collector of coins, military artifacts, and police related items. I would love to get to know you and work together to bring about our dreams and aspirations. I strongly believe in "paying back" for the great life I live due to my business and the business of others. If you have the same or similar interests let's connect and work together. You can investigate one of the programs I promote by visiting the links below, claim your free visitors to a website of your choice and let's create something beautiful! Thank you for visiting, hope to hear from you soon! Tony Stewart 770-653-6987 https://EarnWithTony.com