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You know I like things simple, Right? Well, here’s another site I joined and Hey! I even understand it.
You pay $100 one time fee. Then you get referrals. Build your 2 x 2 matrixes in 3 stages. When you complete stage 2 they start you over in a new stage 1 matrix and give you $100 too.
When you get done with your first stage 3 you earned $1950. And your referrals earn you more money as they complete their stages, cause of that matching thing. Meanwhile your 2nd stage 1 is growing and when it gets to the end of stage 3 you earn another $1950.
And all this with the help of your upline who are putting their referrals under you. And you don’t ever have to give them any more money. Can you believe it!
About Vel Ammons
What can I say? I'm trying to earn an income online just like you. The easier the better.