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7 Tips On How To Make Money With Email Marketing For Beginners
Published by Brendan Johnston — 07-14-2018 08:07:45 AM
Since there are many moving parts to affiliate marketing, people new to Internet marketing often wonder how to make money with email marketing for beginners. Many newbies know that a lot of money can be made with email marketing but they just don't know where to start.
In this brief article, I will give you 7 tips on how to make money with email marketing for beginners. These 7 tips should help get you started right away.
Email Marketing Tip #1
You are going to need an autoresponder that has a high deliverability rate. In other words, this autoresponder service needs to be able to deliver your emails RIGHT into your subscriber's INBOX and NOT to their promotional inbox or spam folder.
You Can Learn More About Autoresponders Here:
Email Marketing Tip #2
You are going to need a squeeze page or landing page that converts at a rate of %40 or higher. Which means that for every 100 visitors that comes to your squeeze page via solo ads or search engine traffic, 40 or more need to optin or become subscribers to your list. You Can Learn More About Squeeze Pages Here:
Email Marketing Tip #3 On How To Make Money With Email Marketing For Beginners
To entice people to sign up to your list in the first place, give your potential subscribers a good reason to give you their email address. Give them something of VALUE for free that they can ACTUALLY use. This can be a free WordPress plugin, a free 30 minute consult with you, or a free course about how they can solve their problem related to whatever niche that you are in.
Email Marketing Tip #4
You are going to have to sell something. Choose a profitable niche that people are willing to spend money in. All niches are NOT profitable such as barefoot running or caring for exotic pets.
Some examples of profitable niches are:
- Weddings
- Pet Care
- Gardening
- Debt Relief
- Baby Care
Find a physical or digital product or service to sell. Without a product to promote, it’ll be extremely difficult (dare I say, impossible) to make money with your email marketing efforts. Not sure what to sell? Here are some ideas to get you started:
- High Quality eBooks that will actually teach the reader something
- Training guides
- Online courses or high quality software related to your niche
- Private virtual coaching sessions
- Classes or workshops
Email Marketing Tip #5
You can become an affiliate marketer and sell other people's products if you don't have a a product of your own to sell. You don’t always have to sell your products or services to make money with email marketing. Instead, you can be an affiliate for other businesses’ products or services. As an affiliate, you get commissions from a business to send traffic to their website and generate sales.
Many companies have affiliate programs that you can join for free — like TrafficWave! You can learn more about their affiliate program right here if you don't have an account already.
One important note: Make sure you have a strong relationship with your subscribers and that you recommend products and services that clearly align with their interests and they are of VALUE and they will HELP your subscribers reach their end goal. Otherwise, they may unsubscribe. You Can Learn More About How To Do Affiiate Marketing For Beginners Right Here:
Email Marketing Tip #6
Don't treat your subscribers like an ATM machine. These are REAL people reading your emails! Focus more on building a relationship with your readers by educating them on whichever niche you choose. If you constantly send out promotional emails to them, you will burn out your list fast and then they will either stop reading your emails or begin to unsubscribe.
So, as you send out promo emails, mix it up a bit with some educational emails as well. You always want to deliver VALUE to your readers. This way they will grow to like and trust you, and ultimately BUY from you because people often buy from those whom they like, know and trust.
Email Marketing Tip #7
As your email list begins to grow, people will begin to email you through whatever email address you provide in your autoresponder. Get back to them! This is a good way to start building relationships with your subscribers. They will get to know you better as you respond to their questions about whatever product that you are recommending.
If you ignore them and the only time they hear from you is when you are promoting something, they will in turn ignore your emails and then they will begin to unsubscribe from your list. So, get in the habit of checking your email and start engaging with your subscribers. I hope this article has helped you on how to make money with email marketing for beginners.
About Brendan Johnston

I have been in Internet marketing for about 9 years now with some success. I am always on the look out for ways to generate traffic back to my website. I was a science major in college here in Sacramento until I ran out of money for my tuition. So I turned to Internet marketing to learn how to make a consistent living online. The traditional way of working hard, going to school, and working for someone else until I die just does not appeal to me anymore. One of my favorite quotes from Warren Buffet is "If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work everyday of your life until you die." So right now I am working and I am using those funds to work towards financial freedom. I also would like to finish my college degree because whatever I start I like to finish until the end. When I am not at my J-O-B or working on my online business, I enjoy watching crime dramas. So, this is me in a nutshell.