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Many entrepreneurs new to making money online want to know how to make money sending emails. Making money sending emails is just good o'l fashion email marketing. Knowing how to build successful email marketing campaigns is very important in growing your online business.
But there’s a problem; most people don’t know how to do it right. In helping you to succeed as an entrepreneur, let’s get back to the basics and discuss some good email marketing practices.
First off, you will need an autoresponder that has a high deliver-ability rate. In other words, you want your emails to go into your subscriber's inbox and not their spam folder or promotions inbox. To learn more about autoresponders, you can read more about them here. When you set up your newsletters, educate your subscribers more than you are selling to them.
If you get in the habit of pitching to them often, try to put yourself in the reader’s shoes. If all you get in YOUR inbox is nothing but selling emails, you are likely to be turned off and you will more than likely unsubscribe. So, when you are crafting your newsletters, add some education and nice juicy tidbits that your readers might enjoy. This makes them look forward to reading your emails.
Always remember to provide VALUE in your emails. You should only promote products and services that will benefit your subscribers. If you only promote just to get commissions, your subscriber's will begin to feel like they are nothing more to you than an online ATM machine. They will tune out your emails and begin to unsubscribe. You don't want this.
You must remember that your online reputation is on the line. Once you lose it, it is very difficult to get it back. Although each online business model is different, and has different needs, there aren’t any hard and fast rules as to how often you should pitch or provide content, but remember that your email list is an ASSET and it’s better to err on the side of caution than to play it loose and reckless with your subscribers. To learn more on how to make money sending emails click this link
Now let's discuss the difference between a good newsletter and a bad newsletter. A bad newsletter is when you receive an email from someone and you don’t recall signing up for that newsletter. Typically, this happens when your email is sold or rented out. Or when you sign up for a webinar of some sort and then you start getting a flood of emails from some person you don't even know.
Good compelling newsletters are those that do a great job of educating me and giving excellent information on different products and services. This is in the form of product reviews. I may not buy the product or service but I do appreciate when the owner of the email list that I am on actually takes the time to do a really good product review. This helps to build trust with your subscribers.
You should use your newsletter as a way to further your relationship with your subscribers rather than to pitch them all of the time. Save your sales pitch for unique updates, special offers, and rare announcements. One main issue that most affiliate marketers run into most often is that they forget to talk to their subscribers on their email list until they have something to sell. Obviously, this is not a good idea.
This is where an autoresponder can save you, and why I recommend scheduling content to be delivered on a consistent basis over the course of several months. Your autoresponder can help you build a relationship with your list.
This content can be a blog post that you have written or a really cool video that explains a concept really well. You also can engage with your subscribers and viewers on your blog and videos to further build a solid relationship with them.
The benefit of that is when you do need to announce a new product or sale, you can count on the fact that you’ve already been in touch, having built a relationship over several weeks/months, and are much less likely to annoy your readers. To learn more on how to make money sending emails click this link
About Brendan Johnston

I have been in Internet marketing for about 9 years now with some success. I am always on the look out for ways to generate traffic back to my website. I was a science major in college here in Sacramento until I ran out of money for my tuition. So I turned to Internet marketing to learn how to make a consistent living online. The traditional way of working hard, going to school, and working for someone else until I die just does not appeal to me anymore. One of my favorite quotes from Warren Buffet is "If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work everyday of your life until you die." So right now I am working and I am using those funds to work towards financial freedom. I also would like to finish my college degree because whatever I start I like to finish until the end. When I am not at my J-O-B or working on my online business, I enjoy watching crime dramas. So, this is me in a nutshell.