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Do you want to be an Entrepreneur? | Working for Yourself vs Someone Else
Published by Lillian Devin — 08-26-2018 06:08:53 PM
Do you want to be an Entrepreneur?
Think about this question long and hard before you get approached by someone offering youan ‘opportunity’ … because let’s out line what’s involved.
Working for Yourself vs Someone Else
It’a ALL you, baby!
At work, you get a boss telling you what needs to get done and when,
easy peasy…whether you like your boss or not, at least,
you’ve got a daily game plan to get it done.
Also, you get paid, however meager that wage
may be or you’re thoughts about leaving, you do get to pick up a check.
You Make it or Break It!
If you don’t make any money, YOU have to dig in and figure out why.
Refer to the first bullet point about that, because once again, it is ALL you, baby!
Still want to be an entrepreneur?
If you are creating your own brick and mortar, get ready for expenses
you likely didn’t calculate into your business plan.
If you are looking to be part of the ‘work from home’ flock of people,
who are literally earning while either being an affiliate or reseller of products
or digital services,you STILL have to be self motivated…
check out this (it’s under the businesses tab on this site)
Cheers, to YOUR Success!
~ Zen
About Lillian Devin
I’ve been where you are now, I've struggled, I've tried this and all of that! A lot of those ‘Life Changing’ courses sold by ‘Hype’ marketers (Hey, we’re all only human, right?) until I said, “no more” … there’s got to be a way to work smarter, not harder and help others, who like me, came online to make some extra money and…build it sustainably over time into FT money and more.