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The TOP 10 Lessons I Learned to Grow My Business
Published by Lillian Devin — 08-26-2018 06:08:30 PM
The 10 TOP Lessons I Learned to Grow My Business
(and They’ll Work for You, too)
You may have some FAQ’s about Building a
Passive Profit portfolio of businesses,
I’ll just highlight THE most frequently asked question…
“How do you attract people into your businesses?”
(What’s the ‘secret’?)
Well … the answer to THAT question is complex and probably long winded so,
I’ll give you my list of ‘must follow’ actions, that if executed by YOU daily,
will help create and build a powerful foundation to fast track your results
in every business you decide to build.
It goes without saying that to attain a level of success
that we have to be prepared to Take Action, yes?
Me being me, and wanting to prove it can be done regardless
of not having a lot of money or time, I purposely grew a few of these organically
and with very little money to start so I could illustrate to you
that making some part time income while you’re at a job,
YOU could still do this and get results …
although if you simply shared that ongoing results on social media
and/or with friends and workmates you could probably get some sign ups
who are interested as well, that takes no time at all
and it’s an excellent way to help others and grow your business at the same time…
I’m trying to keep this as easy as possible for you!
Here’s my TOP 10 LESSONS
( In no special order) on how to create a solid foundation for your growth in any business or opportunity that comes your way. Scroll through and give them a quick read!
1) Social Media Branding is CRITICAL
So, let me repeat that (or just reread it)
It IS critical to attract an audience that will WANT to follow you into your business.
You build trust and rapport by creating the right image and profile
on all your social media platforms whether you’re using Facebook,
Twitter, Youtube, Instagram or ALL of them. * More about this later
You’ll need a ‘profile’ that’s interesting, oriented to business and
suggests to people on social media that you are a serious entrepreneur
that can guide them or mentor them into a great business.
It’s important to have a mixture of Business, Personal/Family, Inspirational
and Motivational content, and Education/training on anything you learned so far,
it takes 5 minutes to hop on Facebook and do a Livestream so if you’re tight for time,
Lives and Videos are the way to go!
2) Set realistic expectations
of what you will be able to achieve
and the timeline within which to achieve your goals.
We often see people lured into the promise of ‘fast cash’ and ‘quick bucks’
but that’s just purposeful “Hype Marketing’ that trips the subconscious
‘I want that’ trigger and it’s and is nothing more than gimmickry at its finest…
it’s created to lure people into a false reality that doesn’t exist for the newbie marketer.
So I want you to know what I did not know when I first hopped online…
always think about implementing long term principles and strategies
and not the short term money grab, leave that for the less scrupulous marketers.
**Also, I have to tell you that unscrupulous marketers also spend a lot of time
relying on SEO so when they review companies and give their ‘honest’ feedback
it’s only to lure you into…their current money-grabbing offer, *sigh* listen,
it’s tough out there, but I’m here to alert you to the pitfalls so there’s that…
3) Goal setting is a necessary thing!
It’s crucial, how do you measure your growth,
financially and personally without knowing where you want to BE?
Please…be realistic about your goals though, making them
unreasonable especially when you’re first starting out leads to disappointment,
the propensity to yell ‘scam’ and to feel ‘less than’ when you see someone else
who’s simply kept on taking action consistently is big unless YOU get reasonable with yourself.
It’s a confidence builder to have those small wins and then you can tweak
and adjust your goals for the following week, month or year.
For ex. if your just getting started today, set an income goal of $100 per month in your first 60 Days.
This is very realistic and when you achieve it, then you have something to talk about i
n your social media marketing!
4) Be a Reader!
Any successful entrepreneur will tell you that personal development and
knowledge of the industry including marketing strategies and communication skills is a Must.
In order to be taken seriously in the online industry,
you have to build your leadership qualities and the fastest way
to get to that position of authority is to submerse yourself in the right knowledge and information.
The more you read, the faster you acquire knowledge,
the faster you will be able to SHARE that knowledge, which is a crucial aspect of leadership.
Here’s what I recommend, read a minimum of 10 pages a day, if you’re feelin’ it,
keep going to 3 chapters a day, if you do this everyday, soon it’s just another great habit!
And if you can manage more than that, that’s great.
Start with my very first ever Personal Development book,
it’s called “The New Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz” and
I definitely recommend any of the books by my personal favorite mindset coach,
the late “Dr Wayne Dyer“!
When you start reading daily, you’ll literally become a different person over time.
Reading is Knowledge and Knowledge is power …and Power is Money**
because when you can share information and teach and lead people
in the online marketing industry then you can access so much abundance
you wouldn’t believe it to be possible…and time freedom becomes
part of the benefits you and others receive, what a great gift you have to give!
**Listen until the currency of the world is LOVE,
we all need Money and the power to use it wisely in our lives.
Remember that it’s Greed of money that’s not good, money itself IS good : )
5) Focus on One Marketing Strategy First!
** here’s that more later part…
It is definitely possible to build a very profitable business using
just one simple marketing strategy. An example of this is from my own experience
where I decided early on (five years ago) in my career as an online marketer
that I would focus on Facebook attraction marketing to build my business.
I dedicated my time to creating my personal brand solely on Facebook
(Ask me for my Facebook strategies PDF) and I learned everything
I could to build my brand by understanding the Facebook algorithm
to maximise my exposure to as many people that I could.
As you grow your business, you can learn other marketing strategies
but in the short term trying to learn too many ways to market will
definitely lead to a massive sense of overwhelm and frustration.
Once you start to get results with using your ONE strategy,
leverage this by teaching your strategy so that others may follow.
The 3 keys to a successful business are Learn, Implement, Teach.
6) The KEY is in the Follow Up!
Can’t stress this enough because it Makes a BIG Difference!
One of the biggest mistakes you can make in your business
is after you have made a new connection or secured a new lead,
and you forget to follow up on the spot and continually with your prospect.
The truth is that 99.9% of people won’t simply get out their credit card
and purchase your product or service or jump on your offer no matter how good it is.
Have a follow up plan with everyone, and keep it to connecting on a regular basis,
with email marketing … as an email marketer I send a series of email follow ups DAILY
with an occasional skipped day.
OR reach out to them directly and arrange a call either on Skype or Zoom or on Facebook messenger …
Whatever method you choose it is important that you follow up.
7) Be actively Proactive!
When you start to get some success in your business it is very easy to sit back
and go into management mode (where you stop prospecting and just ‘manage’ your back office, huge mistake!
Isn’t doing a Facebook live about your results and giving a business tip or two easy enough to do?
Make time for it daily or set up a schedule that works,
ex, Mo/Wed/Fri, limited for time to answer questions?
Use Facebook messengers voice app, it’ll establish rapport,
and give them a chance to know, like and trust you!
Put in time daily to build your business and you’ll reap the benefits.
8) KISS aka “Keep It Simple Stupid”
People don’t want to be overwhelmed or deal with complicated systems
that sound easy (and they’re really not!)
…so as a leader, give people a simple to follow, easy plan of action
that will enable them to get up to speed fast,
leaving people to ‘wing it’ leads to frustration AND attrition.
You could create a simple numbered guide pdf document or a step by step video
series so sign ups can easily follow it and share it with their sign ups...
if YOU create that guide or video plan, it’ll elevate your leadership status
and give you more leverage to attract new prospects.
9) Visualize Your Success!
This is BIG! If you study many of the great success stories
of people from around the world and in different industries
you will see that many of them practice visualization to keep them focused
on the goals they set for themselves.
10) Never Quit On Your Dreams.
…if you quit on your goals, on your vision for a better life,
on your dream of life freedom, then eventually you’ll be faced with the realization
that you settled, for mediocrity, on being average, you settled … enough said.
We have the potential to be who we want to be just by choosing to change.
Choose to educate yourself, choose to immerse yourself in personal development,
AND choose to ignore naysayers and people that are full of negativity.
Change your thoughts and change your life because it will happen
if you open up to the new you and all the possibilities that change can bring.
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About Lillian Devin
I’ve been where you are now, I've struggled, I've tried this and all of that! A lot of those ‘Life Changing’ courses sold by ‘Hype’ marketers (Hey, we’re all only human, right?) until I said, “no more” … there’s got to be a way to work smarter, not harder and help others, who like me, came online to make some extra money and…build it sustainably over time into FT money and more.