Leased Ad Space
Hi I have been looking at all the members of leased ad space and I noticed that a lot of signed up but not bought packages yet and for what I looked at it looks at the least a couple thousand now the reason I think that is is because people don't know how to fund the packages mean to open up a Payza account. It is such a complicated process and the thing is you have to be verified before you can use your credit card to fund it. They say that you don't have to be verified, but I know through experience that you do same for opening up a solid trust pay account, although I think it is a little bit easier than a Payza. Now what my suggestion is is to open up a XAPO bit coin wallet. The reason to use XAPO is because it is linked to a debit card which converts bit coin into US dollars and too fast track to fund it with $100 and then by 4 packages all at once. This will cost only $98 and if people do this they will be other send a solo ad once a week. Now to me that is pretty good value. Now I have set up a fan page on Facebook that explains all this go to LAS FASTTRACK
About Greg Dale
I am happily married we have a gorgeous dog, unfortunately, I haven't made much online but I'm willing to try a there is a lot of Scam programs out there but I do have faith in leased ad space and this Awesome Business That Has A real Product And Good Compensation Plan