Leased Ad Space
Explosive traffic tip's of 2019
The key to making a potential full time income as an affiliate is CONSISTENT promotion and PERMANENT ad placement. With this in mind, here are some 'musts' for the full time income seeker (and each of these points are covered in more detail in following sections of this page):
1. Load the email swipes provided by your business and set them into your autoresponder NOW. Before you even blast them out to your list! This way, you can make growing, hands-free commissions as people join your email lists. Ultra easy.
2. Run email 'solo ads' to other email lists. Set up a schedule with various list owners to run one ad every 1-2 months, assuming they're getting a steady flow of fresh subscribers to their lists.
3. If you have an email list of at least several hundred people, you can SWAP ads with others for FREE. You run their offer, and they run one of your email swipes for your business .
4. Place permanent banner ads on your own websites and blogs, on your Facebook fanpages, and also run monthly banner ads on other peoples' websites and blogs. (Refer to our banner ads and resources below.) Remember that once a banner ad is placed online, it means potential *automated* commissions long term... So place as many as you can!
5. Run consistent ads on Facebook Ads (Facebook's ad network) and other reputable pay per click ad networks.
6. Write articles (or have them written for you). Submit them to article directories, and to your blog(s). Include an ad and affiliate link to your site at the end of each article.
7. Participate on Internet marketing related forums 30 to 45 minutes a day, and include a link to your business in your forum 'signature' file.
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Thank you for reading my blog
To your everlasting success!
Nathan Hawes
About Nathan Hawes

I have been marketing online for 7+ years, helping and delivering QUALITY products and services that work and pay....