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How to get website traffic that convert's into leads and sales..
Published by Nathan Hawes — 01-02-2023 04:01:41 AM
Website traffic that convert's into leads and sales!
By Nathan Hawes aka Affhawes13
Search Engine Traffic
Let's start off with the most globally known first. Search engine traffic. This is the traffic your site gets when someone searches for something in Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.
These are targeted visitors who are specifically looking for what you have to offer. These are the best type of visitors for your business because they are in need of something and this is when sales happen.
You can submit your affiliate link to search engines; however, this is not always the best course. Depending on the product or site, your submission could be lost in a multitude of search results somewhere on the 7th page of results. This type of traffic is more geared for marketers who own their own web space or domain.
Social Network Traffic
Another type of traffic is social network traffic. There are many ways to generate traffic to your product or site using social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Posting in social networks is a great way to get listed in search engines as well.
The content in social networks is updated constantly and will return results that match the search. It is also a great way to make lasting contacts and socialize with likeminded marketers.
Traffic Exchanges
The third type of traffic is found at traffic exchanges. These are sites where the members agree to view other members' sites in exchange for views for their own ads. You can surf to earn traffic or purchase credits and assign them to your ads.
Coop Exchanges
A Coop Exchange is a great way to get loads of traffic from many different sources with far less effort, surf a few traffic exchange's and be seen in hundreds, There are a few that create outstanding result's... All u need to do is promote your coop link in the top Traffic exchanges, PTC, and within solo mails an classified ads sites + so many other ways. I personally use lots of methods to get my ads seen...
Safelists and Mailers
Another type of traffic that is very effective is safelist traffic. Safelists are sites where members agree to receive and read other members' email ads in exchange for sending out their own email ads. You can earn credits or purchase credit packages and just mail your ad.
Pay-Per-Click Traffic
The last type of traffic that I am going to mention is pay-per-click ads. These are the ads that show up on the side of search results whenever you search for something online.
You must determine which keywords and text ads work best for your purpose in order to use this method of traffic generation effectively. Be sure to research and be responsible when purchasing any advertising to get the most out of your investment.
Traffic guide for you to get started free is bellow...
Just follow steps and repeat daily if possible for a never ending supply of traffic and income 24-7...
What you will need
#Facebook Account
Being honest will get you far!!
#Business/Affiliate site ready for promoting!!
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#Have minor TE'S {Traffic exchange} {Safelist Email Marketing} KNOWLEDGE!!
Let's start with Facebook...
Ok when you have chosen your facebook to use join as many group's as possible to do with traffic--affiliate marketing--post free ad's etc!
Add friend's family that only ask or give permission!!
Get to know the people across Facebook ask if they are in need of your product..
Like and comment and share other's friend's statuses etc.. This will help and get you further with you friends/Customer's !!
-Post to 20 work from home groups every two hours..
-Add 3-5 new people on fb.. Daily
-Talk to at least 20 people today and asked tell/ask them about there/your opportunity
**These are all things you can do daily and you WILL see results!
Mix up the above daily and see the magic work!**
Use the 5k friends, add me groups on Facebook .. I suggest u do that and everyday go to the groups and say add me etc .. that way u wont end up going to Facebook jail ... And with those new connection's .. Connect with them everyday ... and ask some ?'s.. How are you etc ... and then ask may i ask what business u are with ect .. Then ask them if they are looking for new ways to make money etc .. Never just give your link to them always ask!! that way you build a business relationship with them... And they gain trust ect ...Always be honest and lend them a hand etc.. That way they look up to you and look to you for guidance etc ..And always remember to like and comment on friends time line's not about your business but about what there status is about That way they also come and check you out to see what your doing they may even contact you !!..
Now for Traffic Exchanges and Coop exchange's...
Sign up and join at least 10 traffic exchanges and the top co-op's.
10 Traffic exchanges and 5 Co-op's are listed bellow.
Create 2 Separate folders in the bookmarks in your browser. Name them anything etc "TrafficExchange1" "TrafficExchange2" and bookmark your traffic exchanges in groups of lets say 5to10. So in each folder you will have 5to10 traffic exchanges, open and surf all 5to10 at once. surf 100 to 200 page's in each Traffic exchange daily more if you can. After u have had enough just assign your credits earned from surfing to your sites and your coop link provided in the coops and done or simply auto assign your credits and no need to assign your credits its done automatically.
10 Top quality traffic exchanges bellow!!
Social ad surf CLICK HERE
Hot Flash Hits CLICK HERE
Traffic Speedway CLICK HERE
Trafficera CLICK HERE
TrafficSwirl CLICK HERE
Qualityhits4u CLICK HERE
Dragon Surf CLICK HERE
5 Top quality coop exchanges bellow!!
Mousumi Traffic CLICK HERE
Actual Hits 4U CLICK HERE
Submit Ads 4 Free CLICK HERE
Now for Safelist email marketing...
Sign up and join at least 10 Safelists listed bellow. Open and read the emails sent daily to earn credits then use those credits to send your own email advertising to over 20000+ Daily our every few days depends on the safelist and whether you are upgraded or not...
10 Top quality Safelists bellow!!
Freeadvertisingforyou CLICK HERE
Thelistauction CLICK HERE
State-of-the-art-mailer CLICK HERE
Adchiever CLICK HERE
Buildmydownlines CLICK HERE
Viralnugget CLICK HERE
Listjumper CLICK HERE
Theleadmagnet CLICK HERE
There are handy tools that make all this happen faster but requires you to make a purchase to have that happen..
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About Nathan Hawes

I have been marketing online for 7+ years, helping and delivering QUALITY products and services that work and pay....