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You hear marketers talk about branding yourself right and so I wanted to clarify what that really is.
Most actually do not know the true meaning behind a brand.
Let me share 4 myths about a brand.
1- A brand is not a logo
2- A brand is not a graphic design
3- A brand is not the way a company advertises
4- A brand is not a product
What a brand really is.......are you ready for this???
A brand is FEELINGS! Is simply the way people feel and what experience they will take with them.
In other words you job is to give people a good experience, one they will never forget!
So this is what a BRAND is. So now you posses the knowledge of what a brand is and what a brand is not.
--> Here is my short video explaining it.
Here is also a BONUS for you. Get my FREE eBook here titled: The Art Of Crafting a Brand and Design!
Hope you enjoyed this blog post!
Make this a great day!
About Elvin Cintron

I will only promote trusted program that work and give results. If you need guidance or you may have questions then connect with me on my Facebook. Click the link you see below. I look forward to getting to know you.