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Whether you are or have been a member of The Freeway Connection at some point in the past 8 years, you need to make sure you are active and ready for a HUGE explosion in your downline.
All of you are 30 to 90 days away from earning 3 monthly checks:
Emerald Package at The1DollarThing: $1,638.00
Basic Package at Freeway To Success: $ 770.00
Recipes 4 Your Success: $1,360.00
TOTAL MONTHLY CHECKS . . . . . . . . .$3,768.00
Let's pause here for a minute and take a look at how we can help each other accomplish this.
Our goal, it's a simple one, BUILD A TEAM OF 39 for every ACTIVE member who are following the steps by being a member of The1DollarThing (Emerald Level - $12 per month), Freeway To Success (Basic Level - $5 per month), and Recipes 4 Your Success ($20 per month)!
That's a total of $37 per month, which will give you 3 monthly checks within the next four to six weeks.
Best case scenario, you are earning 3 monthly checks that will be coming to you month after month and because you are in profit you can take the next step and begin earning over $11,000 per month with the same team that we just put together!
Worse case scenario - You take advantage of some awesome benefits and products where you can definitely save and earn more money than the $37 per month.
You've got nothing to lose and EVERYTHING TO GAIN.
Or if you are ready to get started join each program below.
The 1 Dollar Thing Remember To Upgrade To Emerald Level
Freeway To Success Join At Basic Level
You can email me here for any help or further info Alan Irvine
About alan irvine

Hello Everyone, My name is Alan Irvine, I am married and have two wonderful children, and one granddaughter. I have been involved with mlm businesses since 1995 . You May have heard of them Amway and kleeneze to name a couple. I was able to earn a living from them but it was hard work as I was no marketing genius and so returned to a normal job with a salary. Until I found this