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What I’m about to give with knowledge, the knowledge that men have been searching for since time began.
I used to be an ordinary man, I spent the early part of my life stumbling in the dark, trying to find a way to make all the dreams that I had as a young man come true. I wanted like most young people to be wealthy, admired, respected, I wanted love and happiness, I also had many questions about life and I wanted some answers. Yet, no matter how hard I tried everything always seemed to be kept for me. As though it was all hidden in the very next room, a room whose door was impenetrable without the right key.
After years of being kept from those things that I wanted most in my world, my spirit could have easily broken. If I allowed myself to become consumed with failure and rejection. Little did I know then how lucky I was for this to have had happen to me. For something grew inside me that would not let me rest until I found the answers that we’re bring me all the things that I so desperately wanted.
I would like you to have my secret, but you will have to realize that this ad will be read by many people
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About andrew white

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