The new Powerful Z System

Published by Mike Cosma — 12-20-2022 12:12:44 AM

This is a very cool system you can use for free created by Paul Darby.

The Z system itself lets you promote 2 url's of whatever programs you are promoting - (you can change these any time)

these go into his emails that he sends out daily - so your links are getting great exposure

now he also made this VIP which stands for video influencer page

your main link will also appear on this 

you can use this page to grow your YouTube channel if you want 

there is a chat built right into the page that is active with other Z members

if you need help or don't have a YouTube channel - somebody in the chat will advise you

If you want to see something new and cool that will not cost you a cent , check out 

the Z System!

click here for the Z

About Mike Cosma


Computer IT Professional - Internet Marketer - and Experimental Musician I sell, build, and repair computers for a living at a local computer shop Involved in all kinds of internet marketing , crypto programs, team builds, etc. After playing in several local rock bands I now create experimental music my strange music can be found at (if you dare)