Leased Ad Space
I like the traffic/revenue share model because I make money without having to recruit or sale. I earn continually and continually increase my earnings over time. The earnings speak for themselves. Also, everyone can enter at the price point that matches their wallet.
I started at Futureadpro with $30, which is a slow path. But I learned from mypayingads that starting slow can still be profitable. I started with twenty dollars and profited over 500.
At Futureadpro, I began earning .22 (cents) a day from my thirty dollars. As soon as I earned ten dollars, I reinvested it and then began earning .35 a day. I will continue to reinvest and increase my earnings.
The object is to re earn my initial thirty, and make profit from there on in. It would be more powerful to begin with $100 or more for faster earnings, but either way you earn continually and continually increase your earnings. I can also ad more investments/ buy more traffic as I am able, to speed up the earnings.
If this type of earning model is something you want to try out, please join me here:
To your success,
About Andrea Phillips

I highlight physical and spiritual health and living the best, most vibrant life possible. When you have your health, you can enjoy your family and your riches. Making money is very exciting, especially when you are healthy enough to enjoy it!